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LISTED - What a Dump!


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Hia, I thought it was my duty to advise you all of the newest most dreadful place in Sheffield... LISTED on West St. Don't Go!!


Went there last night with a girlfriend and we were shocked - I'd heard and read all the hype about this new bar having a strict dress code and door policy, that it was going to be the classy bar in Sheffield - well they have got it SOOOOOO wrong!


Walked in at 10.30 to find approx 20 people in there, drunk as skunks all dancing around a yellow cone on in the middle of the dance floor (that was covering up either vomit or a splilled drink couldn't tell from where we were sitting) to the cheesiest music going. The bar staff and there were lots of them (so someone could have easily cleaned up the mess) all looked so bored it was untrue.


The decor in the place has been done on the cheap as well - the finish is appauling - screw marks on doors where they have either misjudged a handle or its fallen off already, over lapping wall paper - its just crap!


Dress code - what dress clode - not sure I call bermuda shorts and flip flops a dress code!


Flares and Reflex have a better clientelle with nicer drinks and cheaper prices.


LISTED is definitely the kinda (i'd like to say bar, but that's pushing it!) establishment that Sheffield doesn't need!


Poor Poor Poor.

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Me and the girls went in last Saturday and we enjoyed it, it was quite enough to sit on the leather sofa's and have a chat, the music was varied so didn't just stick to Indie (like most places). A glass of wine was the same as it is in most places on West street, I would go back. If you were looking that hard at the wall paper and at doors for screws, you need to find different people to go out with, you were clearly quite bored!

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Didn't have to look hard to see that it was poorly finished. If we were lead to believe it was yet another west street 'bar' then I would have expected that level of rubbish, but as this was meant to be the best and classiest bar in Sheffield etc etc, it sorely missed the mark.


Sheffield is cyring out for some nice drinking places and we keep getting more of the same old same old.

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Didn't have to look hard to see that it was poorly finished. If we were lead to believe it was yet another west street 'bar' then I would have expected that level of rubbish, but as this was meant to be the best and classiest bar in Sheffield etc etc, it sorely missed the mark.


Sheffield is cyring out for some nice drinking places and we keep getting more of the same old same old.


I hope you were logged off when typing this:suspect:

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I hope you were logged off when typing this:suspect:

:huh: What are you on about?


Thanks for the tip, sounds like it's worth avoiding. I can't stand some of the places along West Street, and it's usually those that have alchopop drinks promotions and vomiting clientelle - I guess that makes me 'posh'. ;)

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