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LISTED - What a Dump!


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I don't know whether I should be proud or ashamed - my first post is a criticism. Having said that I have been hovering for a number of months now and I honestly have wanted to say some positive things!

So long as you're honest I don't think you should ever feel ashamed :)

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Let me get this right we're supposed to take the advice of someone who goes in Reflex and Flares often enough to know what the clientele are like and the drinks, and also:


Being 30 myself, It didn't inspire me at all. I would far prefer a nice bar that had decent background music - funky soul kinda thing, that had a good wine, champagne, real beer (not stella and fosters!) and cocktail list.


Bar staff that knew what they were doing would be a bonus too!


Apart from Ivory and All Bar One, I don't think that this kind of place exists in Sheffield and its sorely missed



How often do you hear funky music in All Bar One, very often/ ever??? Perhaps your ears are still ringing from the other top class venues you visit.


I take people and pubs as I find them. On the couple of occasions I've been in Listed I was impressed. Alright when it first opened it was too light but they've been turned down and I think it could do with a bit of zoning to break the big spaces up but its getting there. There was a good mix of people and ages, and the staff were very helpful, especially as one night I was on a stag do and they were more than able to deal with a never-ending order of about 40 drinks.

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Firstly I have been to flares and Reflex once, possibly twice in the whole time I have lived in Sheffield and trust me the people in there were far better behaved that the ones that were in Listed.


The music in All Bar One is good and I guess caters to Adult tastes as opposed to children's.


In Listed on a Stag do - says it all really doesn't it! If this was the best bar in Sheffield with the strictest dress code and door policy, they wouldn't be allowing a stag do through the doors!


It looks like a hole from the outside and inside is no better. This is just another West St establishment with no class.


But then each to your own I guess!

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Went the other day and was abit suprised to see how plain it was inside. Was really suprised at the prices thought they were really steep for what they were offering. Cocktails were a let down, printed menus and handwritten prices and cocktails that weren't real cocktails. Shame. Anyway, seems "FINE" in there. I'm happy with another bar in Sheffield tho :) oh my lord and the markup on champagne was silly! like 60 quid for a bottle of 23quid in supermarket sainsburies rose champagne! i know places markup but i think thats the biggest in sheffield.


Typical ten bob Sheffield millionaires. Put them in a ''bar'' and call it something sophisticated and they really think they've arrived on the international jet set scene.

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Well, that's a mature response that's bound to encourage more customers through your door isn't it? Perhaps something along the lines of, "we're only partly finished, so please excuse the state of the place until we have a chance to finish it off" might have been a little more appropriate (not to mention polite).

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allonebar? are you really been serious? im surprised the bouncers actually let you in!!!!!!!!over the last couple of weeks Listed has come on leaps and bounds! my mates are in there every weekend and say it just keeps getting better and better! if you think its that bad im guessin the management wouldnt want your custom! plus ive heard drinks deals are on the way in!!!

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