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Police harass me For filming them at work

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Oh, there are many who get off a charge and claim they were innocent, but 'not proven' isn't the same as 'not guilty'.



I hope you never get jury service as I would assume that you would decide someone is guilty when it hasn't been proven from what you've stated above. If their isn't sufficient evidence to support a conviction how can you possibly say someone is guilty :loopy:

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But like the OP said....he's a film maker......maybe he was filming the police to see if the situation first filmed.....lad with bike....developed into something else. He was in his own garden. If they didn't want to be filmed they should have kept walking AWAY from the camera and back to their vehicle. It's an interest....the guy makes films and puts them on the internet. Hardly a criminal activity is it.


There was a time I used to photograph everything, and many years down the line after I had moved my vast collection of photos from one home to another I actually looked at them and wondered WHY as I shredded them.


Just to back up his position though a few years ago my neighbours untaxed car was removed by police from an area I had previously been told by the council was off road parking. There was no sticker attached to announce the impending removal which is required by law. The police placed the removal sticker on the vehicle as it was being prepared to lift onto the low loader. I know this because I photographed the entire thing (old habits die hard) from my balcony. A community police officer told me I could not photograph the police. I said I was not photographing police I was photographing the unauthorised removal of my neighbours vehicle. I said I would carry on photographing and if they didn't wish to be photographed I suggested that they stay out of shot of the car. The council then sent a hefty bill for the removal, storage and eventual disposal of the vehicle to my neighbour and when I explained to them that I had photographed the incident and that it was taken from off road parking without due notification all the charges were cancelled.


Makes you think though doesn't it! :D

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Countless times? I don't know one case of an innocent man being plucked off the street and arrested for a crime he didnt commit.


Then I suggest you actually read the newspapers. If you don't look you won't see.

There have been at least 10 over the last 5 years. The next one upcomming will be Barry George. No doubt you will have no idea who he is since you obviously don't follow the news.


Since you clearly have 'net access you really have no excuse other than stupidity... please look up "Kevin Callan, Dave Wood, Adrian Maher, Graham Huckerby and Shay Power", that should get you started.


Oh, there are many who get off a charge and claim they were innocent, but 'not proven' isn't the same as 'not guilty'.


What complete nonsense. You can only be guilty if your guilt is proven. If it's not proven then you are not guilty.


Frankly your statements are nothing short of total nonsense. Killfiltered.

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What you have to realize,and what the police dont like pointing out to them,is that Police constables ,as far as the ranks in the police force are concerned are the bottom of the barrel,if you like they are on par with a labourer in a steel works until they start progressing up the ranks they just do as they are told.This is the problem with a lot of,especially the young ones,they think because they wear uniforms they are the law.The video showed a lack of experience on behalf of the two P.C's indeed my first question,especially in todays climate would have been "what are you doing filming children in the park" and then they could have taken it from there.Whilst not a lover of the police and their attitude I agree sometimes it can be a difficult job but their attitude to the general public doesnt help.

I personally have worked in partnership with the Police community services who are invariably experienced officers and are capable of adjusting their manner to what ever situation and to whoever they are conversing with and they are usually great to get on with because they dont dwell on the fact that they are POLICE OFFICERS.Most ordinary P C's have little idea of the law but their arrogance will not let them admit this,Im talking mainly about the young ones fresh out of training and suddenly in possession of more power than they can imagine,its like giving the school bully absolute freedom to do what he wants.Stand talking to a couple of Pc's one young and the other whose been on the force a number of years, the old one will interact with you whilst the young one usually tries to intimidate you.This is what is happening in the video but they were both young and inexperienced.

I agree the bloke with the camera was intimidating but he probably realised that he had two inexperienced officers there who didnt know the law plus he has probably been arrested a few times and treats his intimidation as an occupational hazard and held no fear of arrest.To show any kind of control the officers must earn respect but lets be straight would you be afraid of those two ,the woman especially she looked as though the only thing on her mind was whether she had remembered to take the pill that morning.

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Frankly your statements are nothing short of total nonsense.


Not "total" nonsense.


You may have committed a crime and been found "not guilty" by an English Court.

This does not mean that you did not commit the crime. It means that a court could/did not find you guilty.


Scottish Law used to (and I think still does) permit a court verdict of "not proven".

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Not "total" nonsense.


You may have committed a crime and been found "not guilty" by an English Court.

This does not mean that you did not commit the crime. It means that a court could/did not find you guilty.


Scottish Law used to (and I think still does) permit a court verdict of "not proven".


"The verdict of not proven is essentially one of acquittal. In all respects the verdicts of not guilty and not proven have exactly the same legal effects."


So while the wording is different, the outcome is exactly the same. You cannot be found guilty unless your guilt can be proven.


The distinction largely seems to come down to "gut feelings" of the judge, which is hardly an accurate yardstick.


In essence, the "not proven" verdict is in itself a nonsense. Even the police in scotland don't like it!

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Im sorry i haven't read all the posts but I did watch the Vid and thought the OP was rude and argumentative. If they asked you to turn the camera off then you should have out of politeness and respect for other people or if you did want to film them for a specific reason then you should have asked them in the first place.

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Im sorry i haven't read all the posts but I did watch the Vid and thought the OP was rude and argumentative. If they asked you to turn the camera off then you should have out of politeness and respect for other people or if you did want to film them for a specific reason then you should have asked them in the first place.

I tend to agree with this if we treat the officers concerned like ordinary people,it is downright rude to film/photograph someone without their permission and if the officers were doing nothing wrong initially it shouldn't have happened.

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I tend to agree with this if we treat the officers concerned like ordinary people,it is downright rude to film/photograph someone without their permission and if the officers were doing nothing wrong initially it shouldn't have happened.


Exactly. Take the fact that they were police out of it and its easy to take their side.

For all they know he has a fetish for women poilice officers and is gonna go and **** over her and plaster her video (as had been done) all over the internet.

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