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Police harass me For filming them at work

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But like the OP said....he's a film maker......maybe he was filming the police to see if the situation first filmed.....lad with bike....developed into something else



Or maybe the OP was hoping it would turn into something else and when it didnt he created his own scenario.

I didnt see a problem with the video,up until the point where the OP had to have the last word.


It was quite clear that a reaction was wanted for his own ends.

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Or maybe the OP was hoping it would turn into something else and when it didnt he created his own scenario.


....and isn't that what the media is all about....how many stories (and I mean embellished stories) do we all read every day.....how many times have we seen film/video footage that is not quite as reported (ask the Queen about this one!!!). How much of our news and media is factual without opinion or bias.


The OP is no more guilty than the more well known media that most of us buy into. He saw an opportunity and he filmed it....all part of photo journalism yet had he filmed something that would have proved useful to the police or the state I am sure they would have welcomed the amateur footage in the same way as we see now on news events ......

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Then I suggest you actually read the newspapers. If you don't look you won't see.

There have been at least 10 over the last 5 years. The next one upcomming will be Barry George. No doubt you will have no idea who he is since you obviously don't follow the news.

Wow, 10 cases in the last 5 years. That’s horrendous – 2 people a year out of a 60 million population. I’d call that an epidemic!


Since you clearly have 'net access you really have no excuse other than stupidity... please look up "Kevin Callan, Dave Wood, Adrian Maher, Graham Huckerby and Shay Power", that should get you started.
I have better things to do than Google ‘poor me’ tales.


What complete nonsense. You can only be guilty if your guilt is proven. If it's not proven then you are not guilty.


Frankly your statements are nothing short of total nonsense. Killfiltered.

Nonsense you say? Oh, I am in the presence of an expert – who can perhaps explain to me, in that case, why in Scotland there are 3 verdicts – Guilty, Not Guilty, and Not Proven????


. . what was that about stupidity?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the correct phrase for you is "no smoke without fire".


Without checking, I am guessing your the same one who filmed coppers from his garden for no apparent reason. What exactly are you trying to achieve?


Why don't you take up peeping tom(ery?) as at least then you won't be as confused to why your being collared.

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Firstly - why are you sitting around in a car at night waiting to film police officers??!!


Ive only watched half of the vid, but are you maybe a little paranoid? Ive been asked a few times by police where im going etc at night, its usually just to see if you're drunk etc - but as im doing nothing wrong, i dont mind

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Looks like you're the one doing the harrasing and intimidating. I'd be very suspicious of a grown man hiding behind the bushes at night with a video camera, and I think I'd calling the Police to come and have a word with you.


Freemasonary? :loopy:

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If you stopped antagonising them by filming them then perhaps they would leave you alone. :rant:


Personally, I think you get all you ask for. :loopy:


Moaning on here, when it's nothing to do with Sheffield anyhow is rather ridiculous. Just looking for more hits on ya website.


As for "claiming" to be a documentary film maker, as they said, what channel?? The only people that watch are those that are lead to believe that you actually have something important, only to find it's a load of drivel .....




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If you think a couple of officers asking what a bloke lurking in the shrubbery is evidence of a Police state, you're off your rocker.

You might as well have filmed a couple of coppers having a cup of tea and a ham salad sandwich, it might have more impact.


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