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Police harass me For filming them at work

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I was in my own garden and heard police sirens, so grabbed my camera, went outside to film what was going on.


The whole point is why are they bothered if I film them, I'm not doing anything wrong.




Don't take my word for it, check these out and do your own thinking:


"Among the members of these (freemasonic) lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national police since their service is for us irreplaceable in respect that the Police is in the position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate (those who challenge the brotherhood), but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents etc."




Martin Short, author of Inside the Brotherhood, told the Home Affairs Select Committee how two Asian businessmen stumbled on a masonic dinner at a hotel and were prosecuted on trumped up charges of assaulting police officers.


He said it later became apparent that the police officers were lodge members as was the investigating officer, a senior official in the Crown Prosecution Service and the hotel manager. A presumably non-masonic jury acquitted the businessmen.


Two years ago the select committee said: "We believe that nothing so much undermines public confidence in public institutions as the knowledge that some public servants are members of a secret society, one of whose aims is mutual self-advancement."




Freemasons the reason police are still racist


Former Flying Squad commander John O'Connor claimed today that freemasons still wield massive power within high ranks and that black people, who do not join the secretive groups, lose out in the power struggle.




This is all so true and very serious: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=police+and+freemasons&meta=

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Keep on antagonising them. You're going to get a name for yourself as a trouble maker. Just woe betide the day you need their help...


Going to? Probably well known at the cop shop already - 'that mouthy twerp with the camcorder that thinks he's a film maker'

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Darren, please excuse my ignorance and stereotyping, but you come across as a hippy far left wing socialist who for a spare fiver will attend any protest just to **** off the police and when you're bored of that go on undercover covert cop spotting operations :huh:


To what end?

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I was in my own garden and heard police sirens, so grabbed my camera, went outside to film what was going on.


The whole point is why are they bothered if I film them, I'm not doing anything wrong.


They're bothered if you film them for pretty much the same reason I'd be bothered if you were lurking in the bushes filming me.

You're just needlessly engineering conflict.

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Darren, please excuse my ignorance and stereotyping, but you come across as a hippy far left wing socialist who for a spare fiver will attend any protest just to **** off the police and when you're bored of that go on undercover covert cop spotting operations :huh:


To what end?


That's unfair to hippies, Fox. None of the hippies I know would be fannying about in bushes taunting the cops - they're too busy doing good useful stuff in their local communities to be bothered with such juvenile behaviour.

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