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Police harass me For filming them at work

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I was in my own garden and heard police sirens, so grabbed my camera, went outside to film what was going on.


The whole point is why are they bothered if I film them, I'm not doing anything wrong.




They approached you in a perfectly friendly and non-confrontational manner because they didn't particularly want to be filmed by you. I would do exactly the same thing if I was working in a public place and you were aiming that camera at me. You were the one who used a deliberately antagonising and patronising manner in an attempt to wind them up for your camera. I think they behaved with far more decorum than anyone else would when faced with the same situation.

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That's unfair to hippies, Fox. None of the hippies I know would be fannying about in bushes taunting the cops - they're too busy doing good useful stuff in their local communities to be bothered with such juvenile behaviour.


I retract the hippy bit, being a bit of a tree hugger myself ;)

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They approached you in a perfectly friendly and non-confrontational manner because they didn't particularly want to be filmed by you. I would do exactly the same thing if I was working in a public place and you were aiming that camera at me. You were the one who used a deliberately antagonising and patronising manner in an attempt to wind them up for your camera. I think they behaved with far more decorum than anyone else would when faced with the same situation.


Agreed - very polite officers - you used the inflammatory words. They have done nothing other than engage with a member of the public - and treated you incredibly well.


You surely must have better things to do - to be honest you're wasting their time, that could be far better spent elsewhere so get off their backs mate.

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As for "claiming" to be a documentary film maker, as they said, what channel??


Here's some of my films:


In Death Comes Salvation:


Controlled Demolition of Flint Tower:


Diplomatic Immunity: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=6472360543634061893


Needful Things: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8699837832064778203


Looking For God:


Soon to be released:


Leave Our Kids Alone - Trailer: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-4876807553043435597


Coming Soon: http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u39/dazp5/ChrisRyandvdbyDarrenPollard.jpg

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I think that if I caught someone lurking in the bushes whilst filming me without authority, they'd find themselves needing a fireman and a surgeon. Once the fireman had removed the camera from the lurker's 'chuffta', the surgeon would then need to re-attach their nose.

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As a brummie and a filmmaker I'd like to say you're giving us a bad name.


The point of documentary filmmaking is to pass on a balanced (im ignoring Michael Moore here) and well researched argument. Which presents both sides of a predetermined argument, youre arguing that the country is becoming a Police State. The only way you have shown this argument is by deliberately going out of your way to antagonise the Police. If you're really wanting to be taken seriously then try to get statements that contradict your point of view then go about disproving these without resorting to guerilla tactics. In doing this you might find that people may be more willing to take you seriously.


On a technical note though you really need to learn to frame a shot.



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