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Police harass me For filming them at work

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For no other reason than to wind them up and provoke a situation I suspect.


Maybe the OP is fed up of being filmed by the "establishment" he/she is simply "giving back"?



a few cameras


A few?


We're the most camera'd nation on the planet:loopy:


Wow, 10 cases in the last 5 years.



BTW (before anyone starts slinging the "oooooh, you anti-police" crap, my brother is in the force).

One is one too many:(


That’s horrendous


It is indeed!


I’d call that an epidemic!


And when it happens to you (or one of your family/friends/workmates)?


Countless times? I don't know one case of an innocent man being plucked off the street and arrested


I suggest you have a look here then:loopy:


Frankly your statements are nothing short of total nonsense.


I though they were almost troll like in nature.

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Darren, you still haven't explained the reasons for your own personal covert operation of our police service.


What are you on about. Where do you see me filming the police covertly? Looks like you are just trying to get everyones approval, like most of you are doing here.


The group mentality, the collective mind. Follow the leader. Keyboard commandos.


What do you all know about The New World Order?


Baa baa baa, keep taking the blue pill and go back to sleep!


You'd make an excellent character for the Fast Show.


fast show! Genius


What's the fast show?

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