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Police harass me For filming them at work

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Not being a lover of the police myself and I do actually believe we are heading towards a limited police state I have just got to say to Mr Pollard,You my friend come across as a complete and utter moron,instead of picking on local woodentops who are only doing, a very difficult may I say,job,buy yourself a scanner and listen for a important job to come up,something where the serious crime squad or similar was involved and go and shoot your mouth off to them,I'll bet even money the officers who you continue to try and harass will be queuing up to watch the doctors extricate the camera from your anus,who knows one of them may film it and we could get to see it on you tube.

Its very easy but not very brave to stand there and intimidate ordinary police officers I know I used to do it when I was young and stupid,then I went to secondary school and grew up,ypu dont seem to want or be able to grow up,you come across as a very sad,lonely individual who ,not content with making this drivel,has to post it on a Forum where we never see you,the phrase I think Im looking for here is..attention seeker.

I have dealings in the past with the police and can I just say,dont ever get into a sticky situation with that camera of yours and need police assistance I think they just decide to be a bit lax in their response,I would also bet that in the local police station you are nothing but a joke,indeed a light hearted relief for a difficult night shift

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What are you on about. Where do you see me filming the police covertly? Looks like you are just trying to get everyones approval, like most of you are doing here.


The group mentality, the collective mind. Follow the leader. Keyboard commandos.


What do you all know about The New World Order?


Baa baa baa, keep taking the blue pill and go back to sleep!





What's the fast show?


Darren why are you trolling here in Sheffield? Has everyone near you got fed up with you and banned you from all your local sites?

I Suggest you try something less boring like knitting.

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I assume Mr Pollard is the village idiot, and in a city the size of Birmingham, & bear in mind there are a hell of a lot of idiots, the people of Sheffield could only have nightmares about, that is one hell of an achievement.


I would love to a see copper upload a video of you getting that camera slammed in your face, no doubt it wouldn't hurt...documentary maker with a camera phone, times must be hard, is that 'cos your films are, how can I put this......CRAP


I must admit, if you were filming me without my permission which btw, you wouldn't get...I would happily kick the **** out of you, therefore those police officers in my opinion were very calm and polite. Justice will be done, is it because it was a woman, are you one of them cowards?


Oh, please explain why in that @leave the kids alone' video, a copper turned the camera on you and you cowered away and pointed your elsewhere?


Please leave the midlands at once, my family live there and I come from there, you are giving us all a really bad name, move to Doncaster or Hull where you would fit in much better.

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Iv just sat and watched the videos listed I would have been better doing something more worthwhile with my time,like having a tooth out,kicked out it would have been less pain ,if I were you I think I would use my time for something more worthwhile and I would certainly not brag that those where my films,especially the produced and directed bit,Iv seen better produced videos taken by somebody ****** up on a weeks binge in ibiza,give up mate you are wasting your time,why not turn your hand to something you may be able to manage,I do hear that Big Issue sellers are in short supply in Birmingham at least you will still have your hands on the pulse of the nation

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I am perfectly happy to be monitored by CCTV - I feel much safer with it, than without it....


...As for shoving a camera in my face and whining "it's my right!", it gains no sympathy points from me. I'd be quite inclined to wrap the camera strap around the film-maker's neck.


How you gonna wrap anything around my neck, you're too scared to go outside without cctv watching you.


If they'd had any common sense they could have just walked on by with a smile and a wave. It's just aswell they checked, if they had attempted to arrest him they may have lost their jobs.


Many police I film have this attude, good on them for being nice!


The only obvious bit of rudeness in the film was two people in positions of authority entering someone's property, using their position to intimidate him and lying about the law.


The police appologists are like sheep! Not used to thinking for themselves.


If the police want respect then they should behave in a manner that encourages it. These two idiots didn't and were shamed as a result. It's partly thanks to people who keep an eye on them that they don't get away with the sort of bullying and violence that they used to.


Which is why I film them!


...once they had been informed over the radio that no offence was taking place, they still asked him for his name. The police only have the right to ask for personal details if they believe an offence has been or is about to be committed, so by asking for his name once they had been informed there was no offence, they were again wrong. I believe that they asked his name and then openly recorded his address, simply to continue to appear intimidating, along the lines of "I know where you live mate!"


This is all too true.


had he filmed something that would have proved useful to the police or the state I am sure they would have welcomed the amateur footage in the same way as we see now on news events ......


They will be thankful when I film some thug attacking them one day.


I have better things to do than Google ‘poor me’ tales.


Yeah Dungbeetle, you're posts are most enlightening. Funny that you have never started a thread on here eh? All you have done is jumped into threads to spead your ****e oppinions. I think you are a dis-info agent. Why have you not started a thread yourself, over 600 posts though. What have you to hide? You live up to your name BTW


Maybe the OP is fed up of being filmed by the "establishment" he/she is simply "giving back"?


Equal rights mate!

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What are you on about. Where do you see me filming the police covertly? Looks like you are just trying to get everyones approval, like most of you are doing here.


The group mentality, the collective mind. Follow the leader. Keyboard commandos.


What do you all know about The New World Order?


Baa baa baa, keep taking the blue pill and go back to sleep!







What's the fast show?


Excuse me Mr Pollard there is nobody on here as single minded as I am,take a look around my posts if you like and you will see that ,and If anybody was going to back you it most probably would have been me, but even I think your not altogether a full shilling.

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Once. a very long time ago, I was walking from Abbeydale to the Midland station in uniform going back to my ship. It was after 11PM on a sunday night when Sheffield had rolled up the sidewalk. I was stopped on London Road by a cop who insisted on looking through my travel bag to see if I'd burgled anybody. I pointed out that a naval uniform is a little conspicuous, especially since bell bottoms don't make for a quick getaway. Anyway he laughed and flagged down an empty tram on its back to depot and I got a free ride. Is there a moral to this story. Don't know, but I've met cops on both sides of the Atlantic who can be friendly or helpful and others who are crap.

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