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Police harass me For filming them at work

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Not yet but I plan to do so one day. I hear the experience is quite envigorating. It is a long term fantasy of mine to kiss a girl. You are quite the mind reader little_m.


Oh I yearn for the day when your fantasy is fulfilled and we can finally be free of your sixth form-esque twattish pranks. :hihi:

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I agree with Ant. The poster seemed to be deliberately provoking the Police, and you can't blame them for checking out what he was up to.

You also can't blame two young coppers for not knowing every letter of the law, just because somebody with a strange hobby happens to have checked on it.


Not at all. Unless you class filming them as provocation. But why would you? After all, as they keep saying to us "if you've done nothing wrong, you've nothing to hide".


As for adopting an air of authority as someone else said, these two didn't project that. Add the odd expletive and you have word for word an aggressive chav looking for a kick-off. "What did you just say to that officer?" - did it really matter? Not far removed from "what did you just f****g say to me?"


A professional attitude would have been to quietly note the house for reference (which they did anyway) and move on, saving all of this. There is no reason why the OP should have stopped filming just because a police officer said to, otherwise the police would have carte blanche to tell people to do whatever they liked regardless of the law.


I also think the OP handled the situation poorly and responded to an unprofessional attitude with an attitude of his own. But his profession is not based around dealing with grievances and potential argument - the police's profession is - that's the difference.

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.... I also think the OP handled the situation poorly and responded to an unprofessional attitude with an attitude of his own. But his profession is not based around dealing with grievances and potential argument - the police's profession is - that's the difference.
(my bold and italics)


Surely you're not actually suggesting the OP is a professional video/documentary maker? I've produced better video clips on my cheap as chips camera phone!

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(my bold and italics)


Surely you're not actually suggesting the OP is a professional video/documentary maker? I've produced better video clips on my cheap as chips camera phone!


No, I'm not. But it's obvious that the OP does not work for the police or in a customer service environment

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This TWIT, yes i said twit.. (Apologies for the typo) i suspect, is the same buffoon who used to go on youtube as clarkeyboyz and do nothing other than to post anti police videos, with daft poems of killing and harming police officers, how to damage police cars/bikes/speed cameras, thus encoraging many people to take the michael out of him. He too was from Birmingham and would post links on several forums - even outside of his home county. all his highly laughable videos were removed and his account stoppped. It all stemmed from when he was arrested for trying to hit another person with a plank of wood with a nail in it, and funnily enough the police had to take him to the floor and hand cuff him!! OOH what brutality!!! He claims he this was his time to hate all police. I came to the conclusion that he suffers from some kind of attention deficit disorder and the best way of drawing attention to yourself is to slag off the police. I have watched both videos you have posted and my own conclusion is that you, sir, are a pillock. If you want to challenge authority do it in the right way, not goading police officers into a debate, hoping that they will bite.


Nice to see you again Clarkey. YAWN!!!!

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