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Police harass me For filming them at work

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If clarkeyboyz and the OP aren't one and the same then they must be very closely related!


Nice to see you again Clarkey. YAWN!!!!


So this is your debate? Call me someone else, who is a total freak. I doubt with that accent he is from Birmingham and he is definately not a film-maker.:loopy:


He's probably just another copper rocking his socks in his spare time.


I don't need a mask and goggles on my face to tell people what I think.


So there's no-one willing to debate the information I have presented in this thread?

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So this is your debate? Call me someone else, who is a total freak. I doubt with that accent he is from Birmingham and he is definately not a film-maker.:loopy:


He's probably just another copper rocking his socks in his spare time.


I don't need a mask and goggles on my face to tell people what I think.


So there's no-one willing to debate the information I have presented in this thread?


Come on Simon, get your spoon out your arse and take on the information.


Simple Simon met a pie man...


Easy to call some-one names eh Si.

I will debate the information you have presented on this thread,if I could find any negligible information,Like I posted earlier,either on this thread or your other attention seeking drivel I gave up copper baiting thirty odd year ago,but it does still happen I see it every day when the schools come out,you make these videos supposedly to inform us all of the forthcoming police state,as I said I believe we are going down that road,but idiots like yourself who bate the ordinary police to seek a reaction from them are doing more harm than good in the fight against injustice.The ordinary police constable is the bottom of the ladder in his chosen profession,rather like a labourer in the steel works he/she only work under orders from a superior,they are told what to do and how to do it,so baiting these particular people will not earn you any brownie points,they dont make the laws ,they do as they are told,people like you that think they are brave standing up to these people are complete idiots,your achieving nothing except making a complete and utter fool of yourself.

Iv stated before Iv no love of the police and have reasons for stating that,but I would feel embarassed and childish if I was on record for doing what you have done,if you can get your act together and generally grow up you may have an argueable point,but Im afraid something called maturity has got to kick in in your case before you will gain any kind of respect,that is evident when you look at the virtual unanimous condemnation of your actions,this sort of thing just does not happen on this forum,you only have to check other controversial topic threads to realise that,so in that respect you have to ask yourself why a forom as diverse as this is totally against you,the answer is very simple,step back and try to view your video neutrally,you were being a complete prat,and being a complete prat negated any message you were trying to get across

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Seems fitting you have this quote as a sig. I'm being who I am. Maybe you want me to be more to your way of thinking.




Any excuse than face the truth.


Keep taking the blue pill Rotherhamer:gag:

Cant you see you fool I am agreeing in principle with you but your methods leave a lot to desired,if you continue to isolate and insult people that are in agreement to your ideas but not your methods you are alienating your possible allies Im afraid you will continue to do what you are doing now,making yourself look foolish.Show me real evidence,not biased facts and figures,and I will back you all the way,but certainly not on a couple of videos that show nothing only woodentop baiting.


Takes a blue AND green pill

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Brilliant Video. Did the WPC actually spit in the face of the cyclist? It looked as though she did.


I watched the video again, she does appear to spit at the cyclist twice; but it is inconclusive, and the cyclist does not show any sign of being spat at. I wonder if the cyclist is aware of this video and would want to shed any light on the matter?

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