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Police harass me For filming them at work

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It didn't look to me as if they were lying, otherwise they wouldn't have radioed in for clarification.


No-one likes being filmed by strangers, and its pretty obvious that a police officer would treat it with suspicion - I've seen images of figures in authority posted on internet sites that potentially places their physical wellbeing in jeopardy. I'm sure there was a good possibility that they'd have apologised for the error if your attitude towards them was perhaps less cocky and more diplomatic.


Being a copper ain't an easy ride, and they're human, not robots. One of the first things they need to adopt is an air of authority. When a mistake is made like the one in your vid and the videomaker revels in point scoring with such a hostile attitude, I should imagine that most people with average social experience would find it difficult to deal with and save face, let alone two fresh faced coppers.


Looking at it from my point of view, I don't see the dark puppets of a police state lying to the public and stamping on freedom of speech and civil liberties. I see two young recruits alarmed at being filmed, making an honest mistake and sheepishly backing out of a confrontation with a member of the public being a bit snotty with them.


No offence, Darren, just commenting on what I saw.



I agree that he could have treated them in a less cocky manner.

However they could have asked him why he was filming them, and that would have been that.

They did make themselves look idots telling him it was against the law to film the police.

Its that "I'm the law and know better then you" attitude by young inexperienced coppers that gets peoples back up in the first place.

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I agree that he could have treated them in a less cocky manner.

However they could have asked him why he was filming them, and that would have been that.

They did make themselves look idots telling him it was against the law to film the police.

Its that "I'm the law and know better then you" attitude by young inexperienced coppers that gets peoples back up in the first place.


Both officers walk down the path to speak to the cameraman, who rudely continues filming instead of greeting them.


Male Officer: Can you put the camera down please, mate?

Cameraman: Can I help ya?

Male Officer: What?

Cameraman: Can I help ya?

Male Officer: Put the camera down, please.

Cameraman: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Male Officer: You're not supposed to -

Cameraman: I'm in my own garden here, mate! What you come burstin' down -


The two officers didn't get an opportunity to ask why he was filming. They approached politely, and their request to "put the camera down, please" (who wants to have a conversation with a camera lens?) was greeted with a stroppy attitude and a continuance of filming.


They didn't "make themselves look idiots", they made a mistake, and were corrected, at which point they left.


Not all officers know every point of law, young recruits in particular will be more liable to have gaps in their knowledge due to lack of experience. The cameraman's attitude was offensive and would have got anyone's back up. The police have to adopt an air of superiority (you may call it an "I know better than you attitude" if you will. It's essential to cultivate an appropriate sense of presence. A weak, indecisive policeman is no use to anyone. They radioed in, were informed of their mistake, and left to a torrent of snide remarks. Not the best display of policing I've ever seen, but it wasn't a big deal. The cameraman, on the other hand, was a right royal pain in the backside. It was he who handled the situation badly, not the police.


Originally Posted by ken1

so its ok for the police, the council & anyone else with a cctv camera to film us, but we cant film the police?


We can film the police, that's the whole point.

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I agree the OP was making the situation difficult and being purposely antagonistic, but if they didn't know whether he was committing an offence why not find out before approaching him ?


Surely it's better to check up first so you don't end up looking like you don't know the law when you're supposed to enforce it fairly. And they should really have learned it's not illegal to film the police from all the camera crews following their colleagues round every day filming poor quality shows for cable TV :rolleyes:


By the way, Im not moaning about the police - The last two encounters I've had with them have been courteous - friendly even.

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...if they didn't know whether he was committing an offence why not find out before approaching him ?


...And they should really have learned it's not illegal to film the police from all the camera crews following their colleagues round every day filming poor quality shows for cable TV.


Probably because they were initially concerned with asking him why he was filming them in the first place. Also, they obviously thought it was against the law. It was only when the cameraman told them they were in the wrong that they then seemed unsure, and did the right thing in seeking verification.


Very probably they thought the police granted permission to be filmed for tv.


There's no suspicious conspiracy, here. They had a gap in their knowledge, which when it was brought to their attention, they double checked. No-one was leaned on, no-one was threatened with arrest, it was very minor stuff, a mistake.

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Probably because they were initially concerned with asking him why he was filming them in the first place. Also, they obviously thought it was against the law. It was only when the cameraman told them they were in the wrong that they then seemed unsure, and did the right thing in seeking verification.


Very probably they thought the police granted permission to be filmed for tv.


There's no suspicious conspiracy, here. They had a gap in their knowledge, which when it was brought to their attention, they double checked. No-one was leaned on, no-one was threatened with arrest, it was very minor stuff, a mistake.


I never said there was any conspiracy theory. It's just a sad situation when members of the public are effectively bringing the officers up to date on what's legal or what's not.


If what the OP was doing was illegal he would have had time to run off while they checked whether he was telling the truth or not.


Again like I say I'm not having a go at the police per se, just worried that some have, as you put it " knowledge gaps ". I agree that they just handled it as best they could and walked away when made aware they were incorrect, but still it doesn't build confidence in their ability to enforce law does it ?


Could such a knowledge gap in a different situation or area have a much worse outcome either for themselves or others ?

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I never said there was any conspiracy theory. It's just a sad situation when members of the public are effectively bringing the officers up to date on what's legal or what's not.


If what the OP was doing was illegal he would have had time to run off while they checked whether he was telling the truth or not.


Again like I say I'm not having a go at the police per se, just worried that some have, as you put it " knowledge gaps ". I agree that they just handled it as best they could and walked away when made aware they were incorrect, but still it doesn't build confidence in their ability to enforce law does it ?


Could such a knowledge gap in a different situation or area have a much worse outcome either for themselves or others ?


A couple of rookie coppers can't be expected to know everything, my trust in them isn't affected by that at all. As I said earlier, they're not robots. The issue was minor - I'd expect a rookie to be aware of all major laws.


Watch the video again. The cameraman is in his own enclosed garden, the two officers are a few yards away up the garden path. They're not exactly leaving him on his own. And they're not likely to be too concerned if he does a runner anyway - did you see signs of them threatening an arrest for filming them? They were simply alarmed at being filmed and went over to question him.

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A couple of rookie coppers can't be expected to know everything, my trust in them isn't affected by that at all. As I said earlier, they're not robots. The issue was minor - I'd expect a rookie to be aware of all major laws.


Watch the video again. The cameraman is in his own enclosed garden, the two officers are a few yards away up the garden path. They're not exactly leaving him on his own. And they're not likely to be too concerned if he does a runner anyway - did you see signs of them threatening an arrest for filming them? They were simply alarmed at being filmed and went over to question him.


When it comes to Law, ignorance is no excuse.

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A couple of rookie coppers can't be expected to know everything, my trust in them isn't affected by that at all. As I said earlier, they're not robots. The issue was minor - I'd expect a rookie to be aware of all major laws.


Watch the video again. The cameraman is in his own enclosed garden, the two officers are a few yards away up the garden path. They're not exactly leaving him on his own. And they're not likely to be too concerned if he does a runner anyway - did you see signs of them threatening an arrest for filming them? They were simply alarmed at being filmed and went over to question him.


As I've already repeated I have no problem with the way they handled the situation and no disagreement with the fact they were being antagonised as much as possible by the OP.


I'm simply saying that knowledge gaps in law enforcement may be dangerous, and you don't know which laws they do and don't know any more than I do, do you? You can safely say that there is at least one law they don't know so how can you say they will know all the major ones ?

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