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Police harass me For filming them at work

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i dont like any of them. they are scum to me and always will be!


You said it yourself, "my scally days". If you look like you are going to cause trouble, then the police have the right to check you out. Its their job to filter out those who may cause a problem later and if their actions had no effect on crime they wouldn’t waste their time and effort. The simple fact is your attitude towards the police no doubt caused your problems and frankly you deserve everything you get!


The police earn their respect by doing a hard job day in day out to protect us and make us feel safe in our beds at night.


If you hate the police so much, why not sod off to some country where there is no police or law, or would the Somalian sun be too much for you?

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Probably because they were initially concerned with asking him why he was filming them in the first place. Also, they obviously thought it was against the law. It was only when the cameraman told them they were in the wrong that they then seemed unsure, and did the right thing in seeking verification.


Very probably they thought the police granted permission to be filmed for tv.


There's no suspicious conspiracy, here. They had a gap in their knowledge, which when it was brought to their attention, they double checked. No-one was leaned on, no-one was threatened with arrest, it was very minor stuff, a mistake.


Hmmm....however once they had been informed over the radio that no offence was taking place, they still asked him for his name. The police only have the right to ask for personal details if they believe an offence has been or is about to be committed, so by asking for his name once they had been informed there was no offence, they were again wrong. I believe that they asked his name and then openly recorded his address, simply to continue to appear intimidating, along the lines of "I know where you live mate!"

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Hmmm....however once they had been informed over the radio that no offence was taking place, they still asked him for his name. The police only have the right to ask for personal details if they believe an offence has been or is about to be committed, so by asking for his name once they had been informed there was no offence, they were again wrong. I believe that they asked his name and then openly recorded his address, simply to continue to appear intimidating, along the lines of "I know where you live mate!"

Fair point but wouldn't they need his name to confirm he wasn't an intruder on the property? As i see it it could be anyone with a camera hiding in someone's garden just to film the police.

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You said it yourself, "my scally days". If you look like you are going to cause trouble, then the police have the right to check you out. Its their job to filter out those who may cause a problem later and if their actions had no effect on crime they wouldn’t waste their time and effort. The simple fact is your attitude towards the police no doubt caused your problems and frankly you deserve everything you get!


The police earn their respect by doing a hard job day in day out to protect us and make us feel safe in our beds at night.


If you hate the police so much, why not sod off to some country where there is no police or law, or would the Somalian sun be too much for you?


im not buying what you say. i dressed in trackys and trainers and looked like a scally, as did everyone where i grew up. that doesn't give the police the right to harass us, and my attitude towards the police is based on how i have been treated by them.


and i personally think your attitude makes you out to be foolish. why should i sod off to another country? am i not entitled to hold an opinion on the police different to yours? slightly fascist of you!


the police have never earned my respect, i have seen them be incredibly heavy handed with people who were harmless and causing no bother to anyone. i have seen friends who have joined police change with the power they perceive themselves to have.


the police are a law onto themselves, they break the law and cover each others backs. look at the murder and whitewash of charles de mendes. you would be surprised how many young police officers take class a drugs and the culture within the force is we can get away with what they want.


you might be happy with the extra powers they seem to get on a yearly basis and that specials pretty much have the same powers as regular officers but im not.

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i have seen friends who have joined police change with the power they perceive themselves to have.
Perhaps, if you were to look at the situation from a less anti-police, anarchistic viewpoint, you would realise that they aren’t changed by the ‘power they perceive themselves to have’, they are changed by their newfound understanding of social responsibility.


the police are a law onto themselves, they break the law and cover each others backs. look at the murder and whitewash of charles de mendes.
The whole point of the de Menezes case is that they are NOT a law unto themselves – they had to account for their mistakes, as they always do.


you might be happy with the extra powers they seem to get on a yearly basis and that specials pretty much have the same powers as regular officers but im not.
How do you expect them do deal with criminals and protect law-abiding members of society (from ‘scallies) without powers?
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Generally not, but the way this bloke was doing it was strange enough.


Nonsense, he was simply filming them. Nothing remotely strange about that. They are public servants going about their duty, why shouldn't they be filmed?


He was more than annoying – he came over as a total fruitloop. In the good old days a copper would have been able to give him a slap or two to show him some respect for the authority of the law. One of the problems with today’s underclasses – as the filmer seemed to represent – is that lax judiciary allows them to challenge and antagonise the Police with little repercussion.


So the police should be allowed to beat up anyone they want for any reason they decide?


Why shouldn't they be challenged when they're *clearly* in the wrong and lying to get their way. Wouldn't you challenge them if they came to you and "made up laws" you knew to be false.

If not, why not?



Yes, I’d be up for that.


That was a parody on racism but it's nice to know where you stand.


You did realise that was a joke?

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dungbeetle, i dont think giving abuse to bouncers on noights out then flashing your badge before you get thrown out social responsability. nor is confiscating a bag of cocaine off a guy in the toilets and then snorting it themselves the best behaviour for a police officer. thats just the last time i went on a night out with them!


and the whole point of the de mendezes case was that the police can lie about the facts, i.e. jumped the barrier etc, shoot an innocent man and nobody is held accountable for the massive failings!


and i take exception to the fact you instantly see scallies as the criminals the rest of the population needs protecting from! the police are getting more and more powers while we now have cctv cameras in city centres that shout at you if you do anything wrong. im sorry but thats not a society i want to live in!

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"The whole point of the de Menezes case is that they are NOT a law unto themselves – they had to account for their mistakes, as they always do"


The whole point of the menezes case is surely that they did everything in their power to lie cheat and deceive their way out of the situation before admitting they were in the wrong when they had no choice as all their bull was contradicted by video evidence.

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the police are getting more and more powers while we now have cctv cameras in city centres that shout at you if you do anything wrong. im sorry but thats not a society i want to live in!
The only people who do not want the Police to have more power, or cameras to record evidence of city centre crime, are the criminals.
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