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What is the best romantic novel of all time ?


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According to the Daily Mail here is the top ten which I absolutely agree with :


1. Wuthering Heights : Emily Bronte

2. Pride and Prejudice : Jane Austin

3.Romeo & Juliet : William Shakespeare

4. Jane Eyre : Charlotte Bronte

5. Gone With The Wind : Margaret Mitchell

6. The Engish Patient : Michael Ondaatje

7. Rebecca : Daphne Du Maurier

8. Doctor Zhivago : Boris Pasternak

9. Lady Chatterley's Lover : DH Lawrence

10.Far From The Madding Crowd : Thomas Hardy.


Maybe there are some more modern novels that spring to mind. What do you think ?

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According to the Daily Mail here is the top ten which I absolutely agree with :


1. Wuthering Heights : Emily Bronte

2. Pride and Prejudice : Jane Austin

3.Romeo & Juliet : William Shakespeare

4. Jane Eyre : Charlotte Bronte

5. Gone With The Wind : Margaret Mitchell

6. The Engish Patient : Michael Ondaatje

7. Rebecca : Daphne Du Maurier

8. Doctor Zhivago : Boris Pasternak

9. Lady Chatterley's Lover : DH Lawrence

10.Far From The Madding Crowd : Thomas Hardy.


Maybe there are some more modern novels that spring to mind. What do you think ?


Hello, is anybody there ? The greatest romantic novel of all time ?

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I've actually read three of these - Romeo and Juliet, Doctor Zhivago and Rebecca and I'd say that the first two of these are romantic but Rebecca is a bit dark....


I'm surprised that 'The Bridges of Madison County' didn't get a look in here.


My personal favourite romantic novel is 'Le Grande Meaulnes' by the French author, Alain-Fournier. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Grand_Meaulnes. I heard it read on the radio in 1980 and it just totally caught my imagination.


Another book that I consider romantic, though not a romance, is Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh.

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I may be missing something, but why are they counting "Romeo & Juliet" as a novel??


Maybe because it's the Daily Mail? If there's a film the book must have come first & stuff Shakespeare :hihi: (I'll eat my words of course if they're referring to the original idea that he used to write the play because somehow it existed in novel form before he wrote the play - I doubt it though)


When I read the thread title (before I even saw the list) the first two that came to mind are the top two listed - tempted to dig out my copies & have a re-read on holiday.

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i think i would have put Jane Eyre at number one, and i'm not convinced about Far from the Madding Crowd as a choice. There is a series of books by Dorothy Dunnett called the Lymond Chronicles, and i'll be honest and say that i have not read them for years and years, so they i may be misremembering how good they were, but i'd have them on the list somewhere. (if they are as good as i thought they were) ;)

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