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Thinking of coming "home" to UK/Sheffield


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retired i'm now moving to P.E.I (canada's east coast) alittle hard to pick the right house so many beautifull 6bed 3bath for under 65,000 pounds &a 3 bed with sea view can be had for less than 30, so many english long distance truck drivers have moved & are living the dream


But it's cold and foggy on Prince Edward Island in winter (average temperature well below zero in Jan. and Feb.) - although it's slightly warmer than further west.

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It very much depends on what you intend to do and where you intend to live. I consider myself fortunate in living in the south west of the city, the Peak National Park on my doorstep, I even do a lot of the weekend shopping at Chatsworth Farm Shop and in Bakewell.


However I find the city centre a confusing miss-match of new buildings that I will never need to enter and the run down areas that are supposedly going to be redeveloped. It wouldn't bother me if I never saw the city centre again and the same goes for some districts in the city that used to be inhabited by normal folk but are now no go areas.


Don't have much experience of the National Health Service, both the wife and I have private health cover at work and wouldn't like to risk being without it.


We are both nearing the end of our working days and have talked about buying a place in the sun. Trouble is that it would get rid of the capital that we have accumulated over the years and save down-sizing we don't want to be left without a few quid in the bank.


We are going to have a look at a Park Home (a glorified caravan with a pitched roof, central heating, double glazing and proper furniture) site in our favourite part of Spain. Right next to a lovely bay, a quiet coast road and no high rise, all for £40,000. I say this because we could have the best of both worlds or use it as a trial run to see if we like Spain enough to move there permanently.


What I an attempting to say is that neither of us fancy burning our bridges and would like a choice of the UK, Spain or both.


I wish you all the best with your choice. :thumbsup:

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It very much depends on what you intend to do and where you intend to live. I consider myself fortunate in living in the south west of the city, the Peak National Park on my doorstep, I even do a lot of the weekend shopping at Chatsworth Farm Shop and in Bakewell.


However I find the city centre a confusing miss-match of new buildings that I will never need to enter and the run down areas that are supposedly going to be redeveloped. It wouldn't bother me if I never saw the city centre again and the same goes for some districts in the city that used to be inhabited by normal folk but are now no go areas.


Don't have much experience of the National Health Service, both the wife and I have private health cover at work and wouldn't like to risk being without it.


We are both nearing the end of our working days and have talked about buying a place in the sun. Trouble is that it would get rid of the capital that we have accumulated over the years and save down-sizing we don't want to be left without a few quid in the bank.


We are going to have a look at a Park Home (a glorified caravan with a pitched roof, central heating, double glazing and proper furniture) site in our favourite part of Spain. Right next to a lovely bay, a quiet coast road and no high rise, all for £40,000. I say this because we could have the best of both worlds or use it as a trial run to see if we like Spain enough to move there permanently.


What I an attempting to say is that neither of us fancy burning our bridges and would like a choice of the UK, Spain or both.


I wish you all the best with your choice. :thumbsup:


Crookersey, sounds a lot like what my husband and I are thinking of doing, it's a lovely position to be in....good luck.


Although having the peak district, chatsworth farm & Bakewell on my doorstep i might have to think twice about that :huh:

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Crokesey - you seem to have my ideal lifestyle - not sure why you would want to move to Spain!


But, at the end of the day I guess it all depends on family, income and lifestyle objectives.


Right now, after all these posts, I am still aiming to re-settle in the UK - just have to work out how I am going to manage this and when, and navigate the UK pension and health system. I will have good private pension benefits but obviously looking for top-ups and support.

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Crookersey, sounds a lot like what my husband and I are thinking of doing, it's a lovely position to be in....good luck.


Although having the peak district, chatsworth farm & Bakewell on my doorstep i might have to think twice about that :huh:


Thanks for the good wishes, you hit the nail firmly on the head with your last comment, that's why a Park Home that we can 'lock up an go' sounds a good idea. We are very hopeful in respect of this site as they usually situate these things in the back and beyond.


We have even researched long term car parking as we would like to buy a little run about and find that airport car store with 12 pick ups and drop offs costs £250.00 per annum. Park rental is a bit minty at £70.00 per week but it includes security, gardening and use of the pool and after all it's only a 5 minute walk to the sea and all the amenities.


So with the latter and Chatsworth and the rest of the Peak National Park to go at we would have the best of two lovely worlds. I will PM you when we have had a look at the Spanish site in October if it is as good as I think it is.


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Been away for 41 years - disillusioned with life in Australia now and thinking of coming back to live in the UK. Had my first visit in 14 years to UK last year and regularly view property websites.


There are lots of posts from people who have moved away, but is there anyone who recently returned after living overseas for many years? Was it a good or bad decision?


Do yourself a favour and seek good advice before considering such a drastic step!


I lived in South Africa for five years 1971-76 then came back!!! I've had to live with 31 years of regret ever since :mad:


This country gets worse every year, no wonder there are record numbers of people leaving :gag:


I'd emigrate to Australia tomorrow but now I'm passed my sell-by date :mad:

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I lived in South Africa for five years 1971-76 then came back!!! I've had to live with 31 years of regret ever since


I certainly don't regret leaving South Africa. I lived there for two years (1993-95) and that was enough. Crime, crime and more crime... When our next-door-but-one neighbour was murdered by two burglars we came home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After 13 yrs in England I am packing up and going back to Oz. Having said that, I doubt I would live anywhere but the north. I don't hate Sheffield/Derbyshire - I simply want to go back to my family. Neither place is or will ever be perfect and I don't expect Canberra to be utopia but I can't wait until we are there. If you want to buy a 2 bed house early next year pm me.............

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