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Thinking of coming "home" to UK/Sheffield


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helbco just been abit nosey are u male r female if female do you have friend called rose who used to go in the market tavern in sheffield and you used to come and visit her if so i think i know you ill wat see your reply ps i will go over to live in your house and you come and live in our house lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally dont know of one person who has left Sheffield and come back. I have more relatives in America than over here. They all went to better themselves ,and have a higher standard of living, which they all did. On the other hand when they DO come back for a visit, they always want to go into Derbyshire, or visit Chatsworth House & restaurant. Some memories for ex pats never die.:)

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Been away for 41 years - disillusioned with life in Australia now and thinking of coming back to live in the UK. Had my first visit in 14 years to UK last year and regularly view property websites.


There are lots of posts from people who have moved away, but is there anyone who recently returned after living overseas for many years? Was it a good or bad decision?


fancy swopping houses then ?

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After 41 years away from Sheffield, I think its definitely a case of 'better the devil you know' As it won't be the Sheffield you remember. In fact it's not just Sheffield, it's the whole of the UK. I know If I hadn't the family ties here, I would be off like a shot.

Stay where you are or as someone else has suggested a different part of Australia. You will be sadly disillusioned again if you come back here.

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  • 1 year later...

watching, reading, thinking!! Taking all comments on board.


Just gone through Hell on Earth with 47 centigrade (117 F) degrees, bush fires (fortunately not in my back garden - but just half an hour up the road!!) and absolutely NO rain for 2 months!!


If you saw my little garden - burnt out straw for lawn, most bushes lost at least half their leaves, burnt plants and trees. None of this from fire - just intense heat and sun! Another 38 (100F) degree day coming up! (hey - it's the first day of Autumn on Sunday!!) It's SO depressing and only going to get worse over the next few years.


Hopefully back for another 3 week trip mid-year!


Final home wont be Sheffield as don't have any family there now - but maybe North Wales or Derbyshire!


Just checking out the pension/health care issues as, because I was a child when I left, I have never worked in the UK.


Watch this space!

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hi helbco,just what is it your disillousioned with in oz ,the people or the country? most of the times it depends on the people you mix with .if you were a child when you left ,i imagine you have an oz accent ,so you"ll be a novelty in sheffield for a while ..,,..i've been backwards and fowards for 40 years ..and if you want to come back and witness the suicide of a great nation.. via cultural marxism,feel free...but i think you'll find its an ugly thing to watch...don"t forget the worlds going pear shaped at the moment,

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I will have good private pension benefits but obviously looking for top-ups and support.


Why do you think after 43 years away you will be entitled to any "top ups or support?


This is from:




"If you have not lived in the UK and paid NI contributions before, you will not normally be eligible for benefits that are based on these contributions, such as maternity allowances and the retirement pension. However, people who have paid the equivalent of NI contributions in another country may qualify for some benefits in the UK. You may also be eligible if you have been working abroad for an employer based in the UK and have paid NI contributions during this time. These conditions apply only to some types of benefit, and only to nationals of European Economic Area (EEA) countries and those that have a social security agreement with the UK. "


Are you a UK citizen or did you take Australian nationality.


Possession of a UK passport does not, automatically entitle you to become ,I forget the correct phrase, a burden on the State

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Been away for 41 years - disillusioned with life in Australia now and thinking of coming back to live in the UK. Had my first visit in 14 years to UK last year and regularly view property websites.


There are lots of posts from people who have moved away, but is there anyone who recently returned after living overseas for many years? Was it a good or bad decision?


Sorry Ive come late into this thread, but as an illustration \I was recently in Newcastle and started speaking at length to a man who was brought up in Darnall and whose wife came from Firth Park.

They had not been to Sheffield for a number of years and the man had particularly had happy memories his childhood in Darnall remembering it as a poor but friendly working class area, he also thought that his wife was more 'Upmarket' when he first went out with her because she came from Firth Park. We tried to describe the current state of various areas of Sheffield to them and they were visibly shocked.

The point is things change sometimes for good sometimes for bad.

Spend a LOT of time in and around the city before finally making your decision

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