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Thinking of coming "home" to UK/Sheffield


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Been away for 41 years - disillusioned with life in Australia now and thinking of coming back to live in the UK. Had my first visit in 14 years to UK last year and regularly view property websites.


There are lots of posts from people who have moved away, but is there anyone who recently returned after living overseas for many years? Was it a good or bad decision?


are you mad???????????????

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You will be s****d financially. I know he aussie dollar is stronger than ever against the pound and UK property prices have dipped but whichever government get in taxes will rise. Anyone with retirement savings will be hit to fund all our immigrants and those who do not work. The UK hasn't got to grips with what a poor nation it really is in global terms - Australia is so much better off these days in comparison - so the UK continues to spend far more than it can afford...


If you turn your Aussie dollars into poundsbro buy a house then it's probably a no turning back position as I can't imagine the UK economy improving faster than the aussie economy in the next 10 years or so. Probably worth keeping your money in aus and renting in the UK until you're sure you'd like to live in the "new UK"... I'm thinking of moving the other way (IF the Aussies would take me!) as are many other people I speak to who are completely disillusioned with the disaster the UK is becoming....

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helbco, regarding what others have said about relocating to a more 'suitable' part of Australia - have you ever been to Turramurra? Thirty minutes north of Sydney, it has a relatively high rainfall - lots of nice greenery and a good deal cooler (not as cool as the blue mountains, but still cooler)

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I'd move to Brisbane tomorrow. Okay they've had a few bad days and 2 years of drought conditions but this year has shown a return to the old summers with storms most nights. Plenty of jobs, for instance forklift truck driving @ $26 an hour. My mate has a business in Brisbane and he says the kids there today just don't want to work. I'm too old now so we are thinking of Italy or Holland.

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Well its been 3 years since you first posted, so Im guessing that you are not going to make the move.


I liked the post you made today the costs outlined are spot on. Are there any more specific questions you would like answering?


On the health topic the vast majority of people here use the NHS for free and recieve world class care. There are certain hospitals with poor rep though!

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On the health topic the vast majority of people here use the NHS for free and recieve world class care. There are certain hospitals with poor rep though!



Yes the NHS is a wonderful system but unless you have an emergency, once you are 'elderly' with the pain and illness that goes with that - well - not nice to wait months/years to ease the pain! I work within the medical sector and it's amazing the huge number of UK trained doctors applying for fellowship in Australia and New Zealand! Sad.

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HennyPenny is right..Dont burn your bridges..Rent and rent..Both places..Just see what you have the lifestylefeel for 6 months or even a year. Green grass is sometimes sour..

Me I would stay with the sun..If it is too hot move to another state or even N.Z. Sheffield would be my last bet..The people are great but you need good money to live the lifestyle.. Ask any one in the better suburbs what it costs a week to live..OK You yorkshire LOT I am not being a snob..I mean you find it hard to go from one country to another and have the same lifestyle. If you are pushing up to the sixty mark you have not the same energy and chance taking thrill as when you were 30,odd. Look before you Leap..Pjkay

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