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Why I am starting to hate Sheffield and the UK

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sorry if i offend

sorry if i seem so negative

but thease days i find it hard to find good in this city and country i



There is no need to apologise for stating the truth. It really is sickening that this behaviour goes on - and on - and on. I am overjoyed that they are all locked up and off the streets. The trouble is they have no respect for their parents, let alone anyone else. In some cases their parents are as bad as they are - that's where they get it from. I said in some cases, not all. The Star gives the age of the woman as 38. What on earth was she thinking of? -hitting an elderley man, known to have health problems, in the face. No doubt the council will now evict her as Barnsley council does to anyone living alone who is sent to jail from the borough. I hope there will be no time off for good behaviour for any of them. The Star is always out to get a story. Tonight it states that the attacked man has a criminal record. This does not give anyone the right to attack him in his own home. The Star should have kept to the basic facts.

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sorry if i offend

The Star gives the age of the woman as 38. What on earth was she thinking of? -hitting an elderley man, known to have health problems, in the face.


38? definitely old enough to


a) know better,


and b) be sufficiently in control of herself, and mature enough to act in a non-antisocial manner.




c) know how to drink in moderation


what utter morons we seem to be breeding!


No doubt the council will now evict her as Barnsley council does to anyone living alone who is sent to jail from the borough. I hope there will be no time off for good behaviour for any of them.


unfortunately, the incident happened in Sheffield, in the Pitsmoor area. If the council do manage to have their wits about them, this woman should be relieved of any tenancy she currently has, and, because of her violent behaviour, forbidden from holding any further tenancies from the council (Any council, nationwide!), or other social landlords (housing assoc's).


I'd also make it a ruling, that, if a tenant is evicted for ASB, they ought to lose all right to housing benefits, as well.


gosh, I'm turning into a G-O-W (grumpy old woman!)

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OAP beaten for asking thugs to be quiet




Maria Mahon



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View GalleryBy Sarah Dunn

THREE thugs burst into an elderly widower's Sheffield home and subjected him to a vicious assault - just because he asked them to keep the noise down in the middle of the night.

Noel Mooney, aged 23, Lee Howard, 19, and Maria Mahon, 38, have all been jailed for their attack on 67-year-old pensioner John Fox in his own hallway and bedroom.


Mooney and Howard even used a bat to beat him, before jumping on his stomach and stamping on his head as he lay helpless on the floor.


Sheffield Crown Court heard the incident unfolded at around 4.15am on June 2 when Mooney and Howard returned to Mahon's flat in Earldom Drive, Pitsmoor, after a night out drinking.


They had brought more alcohol home with them and Mahon - a recovering alcoholic - joined in drinking with them.


Mr Fox, a pensioner not in the best of health, had been experiencing problems with noise coming from Mahon's flat during the months before and had reported her to the local authority.


But on this occasion he banged on the wall in an attempt to get them to quieten down.


Just a few minutes later the three were on his front doorstep and burst through his front door into the hallway.


The court heard all three of them took part in the first assault when they kicked and punched him. Mahon's involvement ended there.


But the judge, the Recorder of Sheffield Alan Goldsack QC, said: "That was certainly not the end of it as far as Mooney and Howard were concerned.


"By now, fuelled by excessive alcohol, you simply wanted to beat up this old man, and beat him up you did, punching and kicking him as he moved down the hallway."


The attack continued in Mr Fox's bedroom - this time using a bat to hit him with, and then stamping and jumping on him as he lay on the floor.


Judge Goldsack added: "Then, like the cowards you were that night, you fled the scene."


Mr Fox suffered a fractured hand and ribs, along with cuts and bruises to his face and body.


Mooney, of Maltravers Terrace, Wybourn, and Howard, of White's Lane, Wybourn, pleaded guilty to one count of burglary when they entered as trespassers and inflicted grievous bodily harm. Mahon pleaded guilty to one count of affray.


Mooney was sentenced to five years in prison, Howard five years in a young offenders' centre and Mahon a 16-month jail term.


Judge Goldsack said: "Burglary is always serious and the worst are those that occur at night in occupied premises.


"This was all the more serious because it involved inflicting serious harm, not just theft of property which can be replaced."



is it me or are thease storys geting more frequent.

its not just sheffield it seems the all country is full of people who cause nothing but trouble and ruin peoples lifes.

the police do sod all till its too late and then the sentence the courts give out are a joke all the time you hear about firemen/n.h.s workers/shop workers to name a few been attacked or geting abused when there just trying to do there job.

kids are geting more abusive parents dont want to know even older adults seem to act like arses .

goverment money seems to be waisted on on scumbags and pointless projects,

its time zero tolarence policing was brought in before its too late.

oh hold on it aready is.

sorry if i offend

sorry if i seem so negative

but thease days i find it hard to find good in this city and country i once loved.


Yep was just reading this story, i cant believe it to be honest.

Also hearing alot of peoiple talking about guns, booze and knifes.


The goverment is weak and tired so no point in trusting them.

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i do agree there does seem to be alot of gangs of kids around .

alot more than in years gone by, and they do seem to be with cans of booze and cigs, and really being a pain in the bum!

i do think the labour council should get tough on these gangs in sheffield but how to do that i dont know. asbos do not work !!

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I couldn't agree more with what all the OP's are "saying". But in the end as far as voting's concerned we'll all vote for whoever promises to make us financially better off. If the opportunity was given to vote for a party who would take real action against the petty criminals, but it would cost 5% more on income tax. Or a party who never mentioned the aforesaid but would drop income tax by 2%, who would we vote for I wonder?

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i do agree there does seem to be alot of gangs of kids around .

alot more than in years gone by, and they do seem to be with cans of booze and cigs, and really being a pain in the bum!

i do think the labour council should get tough on these gangs in sheffield but how to do that i dont know. asbos do not work !!


Perhaps a real pain in the bum might work for the kind of thugs described by the OP...




...according to that article the British introduced the punishment to Singapore, - why not here ?

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I've lived abroad twice (Germany and Switzerland) and it depressed me when I returned to the UK because of anti-social behaviour. Whilst other countries do have problems with it, definitely not on the scale of UK cities.


I still believe that the majority of Brits are fantastic people, but we are repeatedly let down by a significant minority of thugs and unfortunately we have allowed them to conduct themselves in these violent and anti-social ways without recriminations.


I have young nieces and nephews and I do wonder what world they are being brought up in and hope their lives won't be blighted.


I'm not surprised by so many people feeling disgruntled. We are frequently told that we have never had it so good (wealth etc) but really that's immaterial if we are not safe and if our judicial systems do not work.

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I just think thats its similar in Australia, New Zealand and other places too. They have a huge problem with the characters you describe, there is an issue with many mauris and aboringal people (sorry about the spelling) who have been rejected by society and are now turning to drugs/alcohol and causing the same problems you describe.


On the other hand at least it would be sunnier, so emigration might be the right move!


I have to agree with you here. Every country in the world has similar problems now - it's just that we don't hear about them on a regular basis as we do over here. The grass is always greener... but, actually, it's not !

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Complete lack of parental control from an early age.

No respect for anything or anybody,

Why can we normal people see whats wrong

But the ones with the power to do something about this country

just dont seem bothered, we need to take lessons from New york

The powers that be managed to clean their city up

Trouble is we dont have any deterent here for violence.

So the thugs do what they like

cos nothing really bad will happen to them for doing it.

Which brings me back to my first sentence,

parents have to accept some responsibility.

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What aload of toss that booze is to blame for violence seen in teenagers.


I remember buying a bottle of white lighting when i was 14/15 and getting drunk off it, but did i become violent? did my mates? NOPE.


These kids need a good scare and because the good people are affraid to stand up, they walk all over them.


I hear kids complaining that there is nothing to do. Well when i was younger there was less then than there is now, but yet these kids are bored??

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