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Why I am starting to hate Sheffield and the UK

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These stories just keep on coming with alarming regularity and every time they do we all say how terrible it is but, unless we are directly involved, the next day we forget about it until the next one comes along. You see these reality cop shows on the tv, the kids get caught and stand there smirking at the camera. What we need are law makers that will wipe the smile of these faces. If we need more prisons, then build more. Lets have a bit less rehabilitation and a bit more incarceration. Burglary/ mugging/ twoc, petty crime? I dont think so. Start sticking some of these morons with ten year sentences and say smile at that. Beating up an oap, lets face it how low can you go. You dont really deserve to walk the streets for at least 20yrs. We keep hearing how easy it is for these w4nk3rs to obtain drugs whilst inside....WHY! cut off any physical contact with anyone from the outside.... ' but they might riot '. Not if priveliges are withdrawn ( like food and water ) and as for giving them a taste of the armed forces.... I think not. This is an insult to the professional serviceman who has more to do than babysit the dregs and dross of society.

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38? definitely old enough to


a) know better,


and b) be sufficiently in control of herself, and mature enough to act in a non-antisocial manner.




c) know how to drink in moderation


what utter morons we seem to be breeding!




unfortunately, the incident happened in Sheffield, in the Pitsmoor area. If the council do manage to have their wits about them, this woman should be relieved of any tenancy she currently has, and, because of her violent behaviour, forbidden from holding any further tenancies from the council (Any council, nationwide!), or other social landlords (housing assoc's).


I'd also make it a ruling, that, if a tenant is evicted for ASB, they ought to lose all right to housing benefits, as well.


gosh, I'm turning into a G-O-W (grumpy old woman!)


I totally agree with that PT. No grumpy old woman tag for you girl. You've got your head screwed on the right way round. Saw your comment in The Star tonight.

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These stories just keep on coming with alarming regularity and every time they do we all say how terrible it is but, unless we are directly involved, the next day we forget about it until the next one comes along. You see these reality cop shows on the tv, the kids get caught and stand there smirking at the camera. What we need are law makers that will wipe the smile of these faces. If we need more prisons, then build more. Lets have a bit less rehabilitation and a bit more incarceration. Burglary/ mugging/ twoc, petty crime? I dont think so. Start sticking some of these morons with ten year sentences and say smile at that. Beating up an oap, lets face it how low can you go. You dont really deserve to walk the streets for at least 20yrs. We keep hearing how easy it is for these w4nk3rs to obtain drugs whilst inside....WHY! cut off any physical contact with anyone from the outside.... ' but they might riot '. Not if priveliges are withdrawn ( like food and water ) and as for giving them a taste of the armed forces.... I think not. This is an insult to the professional serviceman who has more to do than babysit the dregs and dross of society.



ooo good post!


And like someone else here we are also in the throws of emigrating.... yes it will also be happening over there but the quality of life is much better. My reasons.... hate the country, tired of working my *rse off and having nothing left at the end of a month whilst others have never done anything in their lives yet have a house and of course sky :mad: 10 years and there will be a revolt! :hihi:

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Well done for the OP for starting this thread. I don't agree with the death penalty (just dont think anyone has the right to take even the worst person's life) but people who attack old people are the ones who test that resolve in me most.


I really think these kind of people if obviously guilty should be locked up for life and I mean life...and thats for any such attack not necessarily murder or serious injury.


I've always loved England but lately I've been having the feeling that I feel like throwing the towel in...of course its not paradise abroad but every statistic shows that this country stands alone in Europe the proliferation of such brutality and yobbishness

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I have to agree with you here. Every country in the world has similar problems now - it's just that we don't hear about them on a regular basis as we do over here. The grass is always greener... but, actually, it's not !


No its not. Crime figures go to show who has the worst problems and who doesn’t. Plus listen to those people commenting on this thread having lived abroad. I don’t think ANY of them have said its any worse or even similar to here, they are saying its much better else where.


On the 1st August the national statistics office releaed their figures. Drug offences up 9% & *Robbery up 3% in a year !


Here are some main poits from their recent figures:


Overall levels of crime stable at 11.3 million crimes. Thats over 1 in 6 people in the UK are effected by crime!

Risk of crime up by 1 percentage point (statistically significant).

Violence stable (5% increase but this was not statistically significant).

All personal crime stable (2% increase but this was not statistically significant).

All household crime stable (5% increase but this was not statistically significant).

Vandalism up by 10% (statistically significant).

Domestic burglary stable (1% decrease but this was not statistically significant).

Vehicle thefts stable (2% decrease but this was not statistically significant).

Theft from the person stable (no change).

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Like i've said before, this country is in a terrible state and will continue to get worse and worse until we elect a government that cares...only problem is, that particular political party doesn't exist.


Parents can't smack their kids for discipline anymore and most children are born without a significant father figure in their life - its got social decay written all over it.

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I agree that the state of things in the UK is going downhill in many respects. I live in London, and although people have been stabbed and shot all around where I live, I've never actually ran into any trouble.


But I don't think the solution is to just hold up your hands and say "Well, that's it, the country is ruined!" and then move to another country. Well, actually, yeah, it's a wise thing to do for sure! But it won't help solve the problem back in the UK.


And yes, it's all to do with Respect. So many young people have no respect for themselves or for anyone else. They've never had a snifter of discipline, so as soon as someone, anyone, says 'No' to them they can't comprehend what that means and deal with it in the only way they know how.


The only way that anything is going to change is if the majority of us stand up and say "ENOUGH", cos remember, these thugs and wreckless youthes are in the minority here. How we say "Enough", I don't know. How we change things, I don't really know either. But I do know that it doesn't have to be this way, and if the Government arn't going to do anything about it then it's up to us.


Easier said then done, though! But I'm not ready to give up on the UK just yet, especially as most of us are reasonable well rounded people!

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No its not. Crime figures go to show who has the worst problems and who doesn’t. Plus listen to those people commenting on this thread having lived abroad. I don’t think ANY of them have said its any worse or even similar to here, they are saying its much better else where.


On the 1st August the national statistics office releaed their figures. Drug offences up 9% & *Robbery up 3% in a year !


Here are some main poits from their recent figures:


Overall levels of crime stable at 11.3 million crimes. Thats over 1 in 6 people in the UK are effected by crime!

Risk of crime up by 1 percentage point (statistically significant).

Violence stable (5% increase but this was not statistically significant).

All personal crime stable (2% increase but this was not statistically significant).

All household crime stable (5% increase but this was not statistically significant).

Vandalism up by 10% (statistically significant).

Domestic burglary stable (1% decrease but this was not statistically significant).

Vehicle thefts stable (2% decrease but this was not statistically significant).

Theft from the person stable (no change).


And that's only the reported crime............. How many people have given up reporting anything because they know they are wasting their time ..........:(

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Some of the problem is outlined here...




- according to this article shop-lifters who get caught can get off with an on-the-spot fine (ie a quickly scribbled 'ticket') of £50/£80 if the stuff they've nicked is less then £200.00 in value, and what's more they don't get a criminal record for the offence.


What kind of a deterrent to thieving is that ? :loopy:


And when did stealing become a 'misdemeanour' (like improper parking) rather than a criminal offence ??


With penalties like these it's quite obvious that crime will pay the persistent shop-lifter. [And in another linked article from that page the CPS are suggesting that only half these fines are paid anyway.]

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