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Why I am starting to hate Sheffield and the UK

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Oh dear god. It's astonishing how insular some people still are despite your free access to information. Which isn't availiable in many of hte areas I'll cite;

The USA and UK are the most "sheer thuggery and mindless crime" ridden? I wish I lived in your world. It sounds incredible. Tried many of the mid African states? Lived in anywhere in South America? Had a go at anywhere in the mid Asia area?

Obviously not.


you should have a look at todays national paper loads of englands peaple moving abroad !

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I still think that the thug scum are in a minority, but the well behaved majority have their protests and objections ignored. We are slowly being suffocated by years of limp wristed social conscience desicions. Schools are restricted in how they can punish, parents are restricted in how they punish, courts are restricted in how they punish, so how are the young thugs going to learn that doing wrong brings punishment. People committing an offence should be aware that there may be an unpleasant price to pay, but the price these days seems to be, a caution, an ASBO, a conditional discharge.(What next, their names in the naughty book and sent to bed with no milk?) Even the young offenders detention centres are a joke. I'm all for offering help to people who need it but surely it should be after a suitable punishment for the offence committed. This is why, when people see the lack of punishment from the parents, school, or courts, vigilante groups are formed.

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1) children as young as nine are suffering eating disorders as a result of school bullies.

2) seven people charged with murder.

3)Housing shortage as housing affordability crisis continues to bite.

4) Body pulled from river identified.

5) Flu claims another life.

6) Improvements needed to road system to improve congestion.

7) Community outrage as man gets 10 yr minimum sentence for beating 5yr old to death.


Stories from around the UK?............No!


I've just copied these stories from todays Herald Sun newspaper, in Australia..... Bon Voyage suckers!


Anyone can cherry pick the worst items from news reports.


Look at these:


1 - Two arrests over baby 'abduction'

2 - Girlfriend grieves for shot biker

3 - Father in court over baby murder

4 - Drug abuser jailed for aunt rape

5 - Van blast driver 'trying to kill'

6 - Two accused of murdering infant

7 - Doctor died in 'frenzied' attack

8 - 'Casual' prison security exposed

9 - Teacher filmed pupils' underwear

10 - Day-old piglets killed by raiders


and to top it off:


11 - Ambulance boss off 'down under'


All UK headlines from today’s BBC News!


The fact is in 2005 (best results I can get atm) the UK dropped 16 places in a year. That’s the largest drop of any country listed in the top 40 countries to live.


The next worst drop is Qatar and that’s down at 41 flanked by countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Sri Lanka & Slovakia.


Australia comes in at 6th while NZ is 15th and then there is little old United Kingdom languishing at 29th! Who was number 1? Well you don’t have to look very far. Ireland, so if they can get it so write how come we probably the closest relation to the Irish are 28 places behind them?

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it really is depressing the way things are going. it seems we've picked up the worse parts of american culture and are running with them


i'll be looking to buy a house in the next three or four years and it's only the fact that my family are here that i'm not seriously considering moving abroad

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it really is depressing the way things are going. it seems we've picked up the worse parts of american culture and are running with them


i'll be looking to buy a house in the next three or four years and it's only the fact that my family are here that i'm not seriously considering moving abroad


Not to mention that the USA is listed 16 places above the UK in 13th place.


We seem intent on importing all the dross from the American culture and leave out all the bits that would benefit our society.


Look at younger offender military schools. We imported the idea from the states, then the lefties got their hands on them, turned them into holiday camps and within a few years they where doing more harm than good. Now if you are a persistent young offender you are "misunderstood" and sent on bloody holiday at the tax payers expense!


Oh, for those who want to see the list I’m quoting, it can be found on the economist website. Here is a link, it’s a PDF document: http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/QUALITY_OF_LIFE.pdf

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Never thought I'd see life being better in Belgium.:help:


Oh no it's not! Have you not read the stories about paedophiles kidnapping children and keeping them imprisoned in their cellars. Beleive me it is no better.


Belgium is the paedophile capital of europe.

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Oh no it's not! Have you not read the stories about paedophiles kidnapping children and keeping them imprisoned in their cellars. Beleive me it is no better.


Belgium is the paedophile capital of europe.

According to the league table, the quality of life in Belgium, and a lot of other countries, is better than here and that is what I am refering to. I pulled Belgium out of the hat so to speak.

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Oh no it's not! Have you not read the stories about paedophiles kidnapping children and keeping them imprisoned in their cellars. Beleive me it is no better.


Belgium is the paedophile capital of europe.


So because of this one case that makes the quality of life listing made by probably the foremost economic publication on the planet wrong does it, just because you say so :loopy:


Talk about delusions of grandeur :suspect:


Your comments towards Belgians verges on racist, tarring them all with the same brush!

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Well I for certain am seriously considering moving abroad. The lack of respect in this country, a generation hell-bent on smashing up all and sundry and a constant feeling of being ripped-off (cost of goods, petrol, gas and electricity; costs of running a business and employment and then the cost of property in general) are just some things which make me consider leaving.


We seem to have a government that says you can have anything you want just so long as you don't work for it. If you work for it however, be prepared to lose it. A government and judicial system, no doubt controlled from Europe which for some reason is terrified of handing out decent sentences and prison terms to the law-breakers. We hear that two dangerous paedophiles have absconded, one of whom was actually allowed to roam the streets till a curfew kicked-in at 7pm. The hostel he was supposed to return to in York is situated between two main schools.


But what I simply fail to grasp is why so many teenagers and indeed, pre-teenagers seem so ANGRY. They seem to slouch around with a constant scowl on their face, trashing anything in their way, be it new playgrounds (they proclaimed to be 'bored'. As soon as the council gives them something, they smash it up by way of thanks). They carry knives and are prepared to use them. Teachers can't touch them, the law cannot touch them: they're free to do as they wish.


Some time back, around 1992 IIRC, John Major was vilified for his 'back to basics' policy. It was laughed out of parliament (as was he five years later). But all he wanted to do was to try and bring respect back into our society, beginning where it should, at home and continuing in schools. Of course, he must have realised that we didn't actually need to go back to basics; we have been careering downhill ever since (and I suppose, since before then).


I had a good upbringing and I learned respect from my parents, my teachers and my friends. I went to school and even when at my lowest ebb, I didn't want to insult teachers or burn the place down. When I played out, I'd go all over the place and neither myself nor my parents were overly concerned for my safety. We all knew when it was time to go home; we didn't need watches even, we just knew it was time! My friends didn't carry knives or *because we were bored* smash up bus stops or smash beer bottles and place shards in the grass in the park (something which happened recently in York. A chap walking his dog had to take evasive action when the dog's legs and arteries were cut to ribbons).


When we went on buses (sometimes just for something to do) we didn't rip the seats up, draw on the chair infront or try to set something alight. I'd always thank the bus driver even if he was a miserable toad. When we went shopping, if there was something I wanted it was a question of saving for it first, certainly not take it and run off.


We had three TV channels, no computers or ipods etc. We played outside for hours on end. We ran around and tired ourselves out. I remember playing on Hangingwater Close where we lived and my eldest brother said to me 'Cop's coming'. I thought he meant the coppers were coming and I suddenly started breathing heavily and ran to hide behind some bushes. I hadn't even done anything! But the thought of getting into trouble with the police absolutely terrified me. What my brother actually meant was 'Copp's coming' meaning Andy Copp, a friend of his, was on his way!


A raised voice from my dad put the wind up me. If my mum shouted for us to come in, it might take 2 or 3 attempts. But it only took one such call from my father - usually brandishing a long shoe-horn for effect - for us to go belting into the house. We had boundaries and we respected them.


There, it's that word again: respect. It's a dead word in this country. There are other factors for my wanting to leave, too many to mention here (except for the obvious one of getting some decent sunshine) but what really riles me is that we all know how bad things are getting here, and yet nothing ever gets done about it.


I fear for my girls' upbringing in a society which at least worries me and at best scares the living daylights out of me.

Good post!!! The two things I attribute to the causes of the state of Britain today...........................The introduction of Television and the cessation of National Service.

Why? because television stopped almost overnight,people talking to each other socially as a nation,younger people will not remember how it used to be,so I don't want to beat on about it! but people of my generation were staggered at the change in British society after a few years of the "BOX".However I have no wish to turn the clock back on this point,just an observation.Secondly,even if you never went to war (God Forbid)! National Service certainly made adults of you very quick! you soon got that misguided energy and testosterone kicked out of you! but unfortunately,that's been replaced by the University Educational industry!...........................................and there in a nutshell lie some of our problems! ....... and this bunch of overpaid and over pensioned egomaniacs called New Labour currently running our country,will sink us further and further into the mire!

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