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Bonfire Night - Any ex-pats miss it?


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To all the Ex-Pats living overseas.

I'm sat here at my window watching the fireworks I can smell the bonfires and roasting spuds...The wife has made some Parking and bonfire toffee....and the kids are out there loving it.

Do's anybody miss this ???

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irework Club


We used to save a few pennies each week with the local newsagent for our fireworks.


Come the magic day there would be queue of kids (some with Mums so they could not blow it all on 'Air Bombs') outside the shop - when you got inside there was that magic smell that fireworks gave off.


The spending pattern was always the same....as big a 'Selection Box' you could afford and spend the change on loose fireworks.


Our newsagent used to have a tray which he got from under the counter full of catherine wheels, bangers etc. and we chose from that......


god, the Health & Safety people would do their nut nowadays.


Weeks before (or so it seemed) we built our bonfire on some 'spare' land. Someone was always throwing out an old sofa, so that became base camp. We always had someone there from the gang to protect our stash of wood etc from raiders - mind you, that did not stop us going out on our own hunts for suitable inflammable stuff.


......and we asctually used to light and throw bangers!!! - what were we doing????

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Originally posted by Timbuck

To all the Ex-Pats living overseas.

I'm sat here at my window watching the fireworks I can smell the bonfires and roasting spuds...The wife has made some Parking and bonfire toffee....and the kids are out there loving it.

Do's anybody miss this ???


Sorry much as I love Sheff I to could see fireworks, eat parkin, and roasted spuds

But do it in a much warmer less stressful climate


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We had a good old fashioned bonfire party and it was Excellent, loads of baked potatos, parkin, marshmallows and chilli, we all stayed up half the night including most of the kids and had a brilliant Sheffield bonfire night.

I lived in NZ for many years and it just wasnt the same, you have to be all huddled in someones back garden and become 5yrs old again, esting hot spuds in the cold.

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Talking of fireworks, what happened to brand names like:- Brock, Standard, Lyon, these were the only names available when we were kids, what a shame that all fireworks today seem to be made abroad. We were invited to the Niagra grounds for the night, i've never heard such loud bangs, some of the air mortars sounded like bombs going off.

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  • 4 months later...

Iyou brought some memories back with this, I can smell the bonfire right now, and there was always the toffee which was so sticky your teeth stuck together, I really really miss those days

Originally posted by Timbuck

To all the Ex-Pats living overseas.

I'm sat here at my window watching the fireworks I can smell the bonfires and roasting spuds...The wife has made some Parking and bonfire toffee....and the kids are out there loving it.

Do's anybody miss this ???

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I recall staging 'commando'-style raids on other kids' bonfires in the early seventies. We would delight in igniting 'rival' bonfires, usually a couple of weeks before 'Bommy night', creeping stealthily away into the night like a Wincobank version of the Viet Cong.


One of the pack of cackling gremlins is now a senior figure in South Yorks Police. I sometimes wonder if, as is the case with me, a smile plays about his lips as he recalls our former exploits? I would like to think so. I suppose, in truth, we were demented bloody fools and a menace to civilised people with our bonfire raids. Sorry if we burnt yours down....

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Originally posted by GJ2004

Sorry much as I love Sheff I to could see fireworks, eat parkin, and roasted spuds

But do it in a much warmer less stressful climate



Carn't see much point in having a blazing bonfire and hot roasted spuds in warmer climes, and the only stress is wondering if your bangers and catherine wheels are going to last the night out.

WE used to build the Guy in all its finary about a week before the big night which usually meant me getting blamed for any lost clothing of my Dads, then we would load it onto a pram or cart and go round all the pub's and club's asking for a penny for the Guy, we usually finished up with a couple of quid.


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