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Interview advice/tips

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8) Nah Den Ace........


Jamie, when it comes to your turn to ask any questions........I always, always ask........


"Have you got any women working here?", whilst pulling a lewd expression and rubbing my crotch and then follow it up with ".............what do they wear?"


Believe me, it's a real ice breaker!





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This thread just reminded of something someone told me a few years ago which I found pretty amusing. They were seeking employment and someone decided he had to go on a course to help him with getting a job - he would lose benefits if he didn't go...


So he goes to this place where they talk about interview techniques etc. and the guy who's taking the 'class' says that if you ever turn up at an interview and there is a panel sat in a line then go to the chair in front of them all where they expect you to sit. Instead of sitting down, pick the chair up and take it to the end of the line of the panel and plonk yourself down there. Supposedly it will help you with getting the job as they see it as initiative and it puts them on the back foot. Personally I can see you getting kicked out before the questions even start but hey you never know :D

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A lot more employers are now starting to use lateral thinking puzzles because of much better bull*hitters with phony CVs and the 'gift of the gab' when interviewing.


I have a sheet of them at work, I'll dig them out tomorrow, but one question I know is:


Why are manhole covers round?

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look your questioner's in the eye when giving a reply.

I always try to have a list of questions to ask them too as it's your opportunity to interview them as well.

Good advice about preparing answers to the stock opening questions.

Research your potential employers.


Good luck! :thumbsup:

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Over the years I have seen no end of people who have got themselves into decent jobs only for it to become obvious that they just cannot cope due to lack of common sense. These people are generally the type of people whose only function is to be able to pass exams but when it comes to actually doing the job they are found wanting and depend on a mixture of blagging their way through or relying on colleagues for guidance.

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My advice.

Don't rehearse your answers. If you forget, you'll panic.

Relax, don't fidget.

If you're nervous don't worry. You'll be being yourself.

If you're asked whether you have any questions, and you can't think of any, just tell them they've told you all you need to know but if you think of anything else you'll remember to ask them on your next meeting. (That'll show confidence!)

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I've been on interview panels a few times, and these are my tips (from the interviewer's point of view, though *my* point of view - other people may think differently).


* Don't go ooooon and ooooooon and ooooooon. Once you've answered the question, stop!


* Prepare yourself so you know your stuff, the facts, legislation, recommendations, innovative practice, type stuff (can you tell I interviewed in health care?!). Once you're confident of the facts they will just spill out and you can show off your other qualities too.


* Look the interviewer in the eye. If it is a panel, answer the questions to *all* of them, not just one. Focus it mostly on the one who asked that specific question, but don't talk solely to them ignoring the others.


* Smile as you greet them. If you've been interviewing all day it makes a nice change from people looking terrified as they walk in!


Good luck!

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