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Guantanamo Bay

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One - maybe two were misguided individuals - - - Religeous nuts if you like - - - the camps were not there for nothing - - - they trained fanatics - - suicide bombers - - SLEEPERS - - - - wake up you bleeding hearts - - - Madrid ? ? - - it will happen here - - -

Whats that island in the Hebrides - - - infected with Anthrax??

Send them there - - and let them practise the survival skills they were taught in Afghanistan.

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Not one of these people is a 'proper citizen' so why the hell are 'we' (not me) so pleased to see the terrorists return to English soil. Leave the lot of them to rot in Cuba. None of them has a good reason to have been in the war zone and ALL of them had started travelling there immediately before or after the war started. They have all got suspect links to extremists and some of the stories they are telling are obviously false, let's face it you dont accidentally stray in to Afghanistan do you? The US would not risk torturing these scumbags however worthless they are because of the press. As for newspapers paying the terrorists that have been returned, this I find totally unacceptable and should be blocked by the government, not that this **** weak Labour effort have any teeth or will to do this.

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Sheff - - to MI-5

Good on you mate - - you are getting the picture!

If one is enamoured with the beliefs and culture of these way out nations - - - go as asylum seekers - - - adopt their way of life - Don't import it here - - - - .

Mind indoctrination has been used by all kinds of idealistic creeds - - - - - What else were the camps for.

The cure - - in olden days - - - would have been a little lead pill.

I leave the rest to your imagination.


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anyone else find it strange that here are 5 men who are held for two years in a prison camp, and then released without charge by the american military, and again then the british police.


Anyone else know why they were imprisoned in the first place?

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Originally posted by MI-5

the Germans had a prcatice run in WW2 but I am not sure if that would be legal now, probably not

Once again the morons crawl out of the woodwork


Originally posted by MI-5

I am going for a lie down in cool dark room for an hour.

Yeah, get back to whacking off to your BNP posters - please stay there.

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Wow, hugely off topic from Guantanomo in a relatively short time. I read reports about the guys that were returned to the UK. After the American administration had come out with great quotes like "they are all hardened terrorists" and 'detained on the battlefield with weapons', they had to admit that there was no evidence at all. After 200 interviews with American and British interrogators, there was nothing to link these guys to al-Quaeda or any other terror groups. One of them was not even arrested in Afghanistan, but in bed with his wife in Islamabad. Hardly 'on the battlefield with weapons'.






I am remimded of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six, and the widespread violence against Irish Immigrants. I'm sure groups like the BNP and NF would have wanted to send all Irish immigrants home, even though the convicted had done nothing wrong.


As for deporting their parents, last time I checked, parents cannot be held responsible for the unproven crimes of their grown up children.

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One detainee is 13 years old. Several released Afghanis were conscripted by the Taliban (ie didn't have a choice) including 60 and 70 year olds and others with senile dementia.

There are over 10 Kuwaiti Aid Workers banged up there because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and God knows how many more.

Most of these people will be left to rot because the Yanks can't afford to be left with egg on their faces by admitting the majority of detainees are either innocent or hapless foot soldiers.


With all this talk about terror and weapons of mass destruction let's consider who's plastered the civilian areas of Iraq with unexploded cluster bombs and depleted uranium (I'm not sure if this constitutes a "dirty bomb", a chemical weapon or a biological weapon. ) Anyway Iraqi kids that aren't having arms and legs blown off can look forward to leukaemia, breast cancer etc in a few years time. Of course they run the risk of being abducted off the streets by the US military and detained for weeks in a primitive prison without the knowledge of their parents.


The US was created out of the genocide of it's native peples and they carry on in much the same way today with a callous and racist disregard for other peoples. In fact by sponsoring death squads in Gauetemala in the 1980's they made sure that a 100,000 more Injuns "bit the dust" .Guantanamo is a modern reservation, the food may be better but the human rights are more degrading.


As a final thought which country is not prepared to sign up to a ban on land mines, international courts on war crimes etc? Which country is engaged in torture at Bagram air base?

It's the one for which 1951 was a landmark year... the first time in over a 100 years with no record of a public lynching of a black man.


Democracy? don't make me laugh

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for christ sake im sick of hearing about "the kid who got his arms blown off". its war, it happens everywhere, not just americans on iraqis. im not in support of te war, or against it for hat matter. now i dont know anythig about wot actually was going on with the weapons of mass destructon, and to be honest, im not p****** and moaning and all that worried about a terrorist attack. ive been in situations when ive been in much more danger, but if u keep being scared and petrified then u are just fulfilling wot the terrorists want.

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