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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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1) Pub chains work the same as breweries - the managers / tenants have to use a list for beers, very often no local / microbreweries included.


2) I agree there are many different kinds of pubs, I only stated my opinion - which is why this site exists.


3) Supermarkets costs would, I imagine, be much higher than a pub. More staff usually better paid with middle managers etc. A much larger business rate due to size of floorspace and greater diversity of products. I am unconvinced that they offer beers as loss leaders, traditionally loss leaders were for common food items and mainly aimed at the housewife who would then be spending on other products. Additionally it does not matter why their beer is cheaper, people will vote with their feet and we are now in a position where more drinks are sold in supermarkets than in pubs, I think this trend will continue and affect pubs even more in the future.


4) I only know of 4 pubs in Sheffield which provide oversized glasses, out of nearly 500 pubs that is less than 1%. Please post a list of pubs which use oversized glasses - I would be very interested. Incidentally, short measures in pubs - I believe - is big business, we have now got to a state where pubs sell millions of pints more than they order in annually, surely this is not by accident.


I did not say that ALL pubs are rubbish, expensive and don't cater for drinkers needs, they do not cater for MY needs and are very expensive. I think the smoking ban will also add to their problems once winter kicks in.

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I believe we are talking about the end of a pub that a lot of people, including myself, are going to miss.

Sorry if it is expensive and doesnt cater for YOUR tastes, but many here were more than happy with it. I would have liked for it to stay as it is, but never mind eh. We have to move on.


But how about letting those of us that want to remember the old place discuss it in peace, and save the political ramblings of the brewery industry for another thread?

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Just to let people know that the last ever lescar night will be taking place this Saturday.......


It is expected to be a formal event (hah) where funeral attire would be somewhat appropriate....seems thats the theme of sorts....understandable!!



so please come down for a drink, pay your respects to Duncan and have a bloody good time!!


Be warned though, you might need to bring a glass to drink from, the brewery cut off all alcohol, glass and food deliveries about a week ago!!!!


Hope to see ya there





Oh and i'll be doing some filming so be warned there might be a camera stuck in your face at some point....hehehehehe



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I believe we are talking about the end of a pub that a lot of people, including myself, are going to miss.

Sorry if it is expensive and doesnt cater for YOUR tastes, but many here were more than happy with it. I would have liked for it to stay as it is, but never mind eh. We have to move on.


But how about letting those of us that want to remember the old place discuss it in peace, and save the political ramblings of the brewery industry for another thread?


Well doh! The political structure of the brewing industry is directly responsible for the demise of The Lescar and why it isn't going to stay as it is.


But how about posting what you want to post and not telling others what to post?

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Well doh! The political structure of the brewing industry is directly responsible for the demise of The Lescar and why it isn't going to stay as it is.


But how about posting what you want to post and not telling others what to post?



Well doh! How about you cheering up a little bit and stop being such a grumpy sod? Chill out !

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I posted this on the Police raid thread but here might be more appropriate:

I have been drinking in the Lescar for more than 25 years, sipping my pint as managers came and went, watching kids of other customers growing up, coming in, getting married etc. Duncan, the last manager was brilliant, building the business up until it was a thriving and profitable pub. There has never been a bouncer at the Lescar: the staff and regulars were always more than capable of defusing confrontational situations. The pub has always had a wide range of ages and occupations amongst its customers, even the great student invasion did not deter the die hards. A friday night might include dentists, psychologists, roofers, plumbers, journalists, many musicians and even the local burglar. It was a community pub that provided common ground for people who lived in the area. In the Lescar you could get you teeth fixed, your roof fixed and even your neighbour fixed. Whilst accepting the fact that everything changes I am disturbed that the brewery has the aim of keeping the customers in the 20-30 demographic in their new Gastro/Wine bar so many of the older regulars will not be welcome. They will inevitably need a bouncer, perhaps we will need identity cards to prove we are under 30. This 'layering' is worrying. Of course it is ageist but more importantly we are living in an increasingly segmented world where alienation is becoming the norm rather than any free association of age, race and class that breeds ignorance, selfishness and ultimately dis-empowers us all. Many 'locals' are now being lost and their replacements are exclusive rather than inclusive. There has been an inn/hotel on this site since the 1500's serving the local community. For many single people of all ages it has been an extension of their home; a placed to drop in and see someone you know.

Cath, in her seventies having outlived two husbands and raised four strapping lads has been coming in most days for the last forty six years. It got her out of the house, gave her something to do, people to meet and gave her life some purpose. A redoubtable citizen of Sheffield she has gained a second life often going to the spontaneous parties that were a feature of apres closing at weekends. From festivals to all night raves to gay club visits Cath has seen and experienced more socially in the past few years than probably her whole life. Someone would always walk her home up Hunter House Hill. That has now ended.

A small footnote perhaps but one repeated all over the country as more and more locals are redeveloped. It is not that the pub did not make a profit, indeed it was one of the most profitable in Sheffield, but an even greater return on capital is demanded.

Our social mix and landscape is changing but not in a way that responds to the needs of the community. We will be left with bland, momentarily fashionable places perfect for picking up and binge drinking, just like most other pubs, places with no soul, no heart. Beware, it is coming to a pub near you.

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Well doh! How about you cheering up a little bit and stop being such a grumpy sod? Chill out !


So with no logic to back up your argument you become perjorative. Easy to do but worthless. Don't tell me what to do. If you have an opinion - post it.

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