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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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Having read the sanctimonious posts (Preacher Joh and beegee7 especially) living within this thread I am glad that the Lescar has closed. Comments about how it’s a sad reflection of corporatism within society and what will Cath do now? (70 years old and spending all night in a pub? Surely that’s a sad reflection on society) are all valid points but overlook one glaringly obvious thing. The Lescar was a complete and utter sodding train wreck of a pub. It was the sort of place where you needed to wipe your feet upon exit rather than entry. The only saving grace was the Last Laugh comedy nights otherwise it wouldn’t have received a tenth of the customer foot flow and would have shut down years ago. Every visit was like time travelling to a 1980s public toilet so change was always inevitable especially when, from an outsider’s point of view, it was an intimidating and cliquey place to drink. If the pub was so great and so profitable then even the most callous of capitalists would have left it untouched but they haven’t and that’s because they’re not getting all misty eyed and nostalgic over a pub that no longer fits in with the majority of it’s community (students).



Excellent post, hit the nail on the head there!


Good riddance to the scum-factory.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Curses to all of you who nay say about the lescar! Why does a place have to be covered in shiney things and all signs of use hidden under the carpet before you give it respect? The lescar was a damn fine pub, a real pub!


It was a good pub as it was, but things change and people have to accept it cos its happened.

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Had a sneaky look at this yesterday on my way back from Oddbins. Very swish. The grass area is a bit odd, with its solitary tree. But again quite nice. Lescar was never my local ( i go to the cottage) but it was somewhere to go watch the football on a sunday.

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