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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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i dont no whether to think if the same people go then it might be alright?

can the locals reclaim? last night i saw faces ive not seen since its been closed.

i really dont like the changes, but the people were still there. if it had been the same staff (and duncan) and those changes had taken place minus door staff, i think i would be ok with it.

the only other places that have door staff in the area are the nursary, champs and varsity, yuk yuk yuk, what kind of message does it send out having this pair of trolls on the door?

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Oooops looks like it tried to go upmarket and failed a bit .... sounds like Peter Kays character from Phoenix nights had a hand in it .... ah I'm nostaligic for the old days ...


How I miss the fights, the death threats, the guns, the rude stand up comedy, the smell of vomit in the bar area, the skanky carpet and furniture, the slooow service, the dodgy loos, the dodgy characters, the football fights, now that was real pub !

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It's worse, it resembles a gypsies love den. £2.90 cheapest pint! Due to most of us not being premiership football players, it leaves us in a bit of a sh.it place to be in.


Rubbish. I went in there last night & it cost me £5.10 for 2 pints of lager, which anyone with even the most rudimentary of maths skills will be able to tell you is £2.55 a pint. Moreover, that is the same as an identical round would've cost me in the porter cottage and all of 10p more expensive than it would in the banner cross, so if the "new" lescar is too expensive then by proxy so are half the other pubs in that end of town.


On the new decor, I personally think it's an improvement if a little bit wine-bar esque, although I can't see the candles & cushions nonsense lasting very long. Didn't have a problem with slow staff either, quite the opposite in fact as there seemed to be too many of them with not enough to do -my empty glass barely had time to touch the table before it was snatched away by the nearest glass collector. Also not sure why they have the 2 bouncers on the front door as we just walked round & used the side door as we always have without them even noticing.


It'll be interesting to see how it does on it's first weekend after the refurb. Opening on a week night seemed a bit of a strange decision IMO, there was never going to be a huge crowd turn up on a Wednesday/Thursday night so the place did feel a bit dead...

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