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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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Went to the new lescar on friday night, it seemed very dark and dim in places. Our old lescar round was £4.65, now it £6.30, so i dont think we will be going in there anymore. We have lost our local as far as im concerned, so now The Cottage will be our new local.

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What on earth did it close down for? How long does it take to make a place look like a bunch of happy-hyper toddlers from the local playgroup have been let loose with a bevy of highly paid and hyper-insensitive "interior designers" working on a limited budget and even more limited imagination. No major reconstruction was there, apart from what is now known as the "Lady Garden" at the frontage?


Pieces of tat furniture that wouldn't sell at at a car boot sale; herds of mismatched chairs and stools; mistreated wrought-iron tables (look at the gilded legs); badly thought out colour scheme (good job I can still see in the dark, even in daytime); poorly finished paint work ("cutting in" I hear them ask. What's that then?), the sad, so sad, pretend mirror behind the tap room bar which was no doubt supposed to make some post-modern reference to some past artistic movement; the ladies toilet which has plasterboard slammed artfully over the tiles making the doors jam; (by the way - check out the things stuck on the walls on the passage up to these - reminds me of the kind of arty stuff my kids made out of left-over pastry and slow baked) and then the recepticle itself which still doesn't flush unless you have ancient knowledge passed down to you as to the ritual to perform.


Quick glance into the "comedy club" room and had to laugh that someone thought that this was the local venue of last-resort recycle/loads-of-money for-old-rope. Lots of mismatched crap herded together to make a statement? Yes - and the statement is that the brewery think that the customer is a fool.


Now to the food. Today I had something described as "Toad in the Hole". £7.90! The toady sausages were OK but you can get better in . The Yorkshire pud was a large type of Aunt Bessie's "shove in the oven and leave". This was accompanied by some version of wallpaper paste trying to upgrade itself to mashed potato (being half Irish I almost feel I should start a campaign against cruelty to spuds) and dressed with toasted wood shavings. I think, but cannot be sure, that these were supposed to be some form of roasted parsnips. Total realistic price should be £2.50 (Iceland has it all apart from the shavings - even these are below Iceland's standards). You can get a real home-cooked Sunday dinner at the Priory Lodge and elsewhere for £3.50 including a trained chef.


My advice is therefore -


If you were always a local go in anyway and reclaim it but -


Don't buy the food

Wear protective eye covering to avoid seeing the abysmal decor

Take a torch when paying at the bar

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A quick riposte to the absurdities spouted by TeresaB.


The final part of your drivel advised locals to ‘go in and reclaim it.’ What are they supposed to be reclaiming? Who are they reclaiming it from? This is not a turf war. You have not been wronged. You can still and clearly do, walk freely into the pub to eat, drink and moan about anything and everything.


You sound extremely callous and bitter. Did you take a notebook into the Lescar with you so that you could note down all the erroneous sightings?


The furniture didn’t match before so I am unsure as to what point you’re trying to make. Had it all matched then you probably would be moaning about how it looks like an Ikea-pub and clearly doesn’t have the same homely atmosphere as previous.


I cannot comment on what the food was like before because my health insurance wouldn’t allow me to eat in there pre-refurb, but I can say that I had a very nice meal in there earlier today. Being new to the pub I did notice a few glares as we walked through the tap end from those who clearly drank there back in the good ol’ times. It’s nice to see that they’re still happy and comfortable to resume drinking despite their vocal protestations but I don’t think their mothers must’ve told them that it’s rude to stare.


I really do think that you should put down your pitchfork, drop the holier than thou attitude and be nice or saunter off to Iceland to not only buy your Toad-in-the-hole but also your booze.

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