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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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Just a quick question to Dooran1981 - "being new to the pub" as you claim to be how come you can recall the furniture and food pre-refurb? And glared at? Stared at? I can't recall walking into any pub I haven't visited before where those present haven't checked me out - normal behaviour I would say.

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Don't know how they managed to spend £400,000 on the refurb!

(About 80,000 per week on average?)


It's basically a paint job, tiling to the toilets and the lighting is mostly fairy lights!


The furniture is tat from junk/bric-a-brac shops, the landscaping to the front hasn't been done to a very good standard.


The pub was heaving at the weekend, but on Sunday night wiith about a dozen people, it looked .......... awful.


On the positive side, the range of beers and lagers is very good, the quality of the drinks very good (a great improvement on Duncans, on both counts) lets hope the quality remains that way and they don't get into bad/lazycellar keeping habits.


Having said that, I'll still be largely spending my beer money elsewhere.

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Just tracked down another thead with the Dooran1981 and quote sections of this with responses


Dooran - "what will Cath do now? (70 years old and spending all night in a pub? Surely that’s a sad reflection on society)"


Answer - Cath feels safe in the tap room (she didn't just walk through it), not alone, and above all cared for. The sad reflection on society is that some people think that all old, lonely people should be banged up either in their own home or some hidden nursing home so they don't have to see them or take any responsibility.


Dooran - "It was the sort of place where you needed to wipe your feet upon exit rather than entry."


Answer - Take that up with the landlord/management as it is a cleaning issue or accept that it will not change.


Dooran - "from an outsider’s point of view, it was an intimidating and cliquey place to drink."


Answer - You will always be an outsider if you don't attempt to make a connection. If you only walk through the "tap room" then you won't get to know anyone. Seems you assume that the people in it aren't worth your time or you avoid people that don't fit in with your world view. Was your only experience of the pub visiting the Comedy Club? What is so scary about mixing with other people?


Dooran "a pub that no longer fits in with the majority of it’s (sic) community (students)."


Answer - now this is the real humdinger. Reminds me of Maggie's great quote that there is no such thing as society -


so, the influx of students now dictates the environment for those who were/are born into, have moved into, raised children in, schooled their children in and have an attachment to the area so that the transient masses of students can have their own demographically plotted life styles planned by corporations who just want their money? If I was still a student I would be grossly insulted and no doubt Maggie would give you a round of applause for buying the line.


Well, happily there still does exist society and maybe you should try and join it. It ain't that hard and not that scary - just open your mind.


I am a graduate with several post-degree qualifications, moved here, married here, brought my kids up here (who both have degrees and hold down responsible jobs) but we, as a family, would all would bank on the tap room tarmac crew et al for care, support and basic human empathy


Sic = errant apsotrophe

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........... but we, as a family, would all would bank on the tap room tarmac crew et al for care, support and basic human empathy

Tarmac crew? You do actually go in The Lescar these days don't you?

No Tarmac Workers in there for seven or ten years! (Probably nearer ten)



Sic = errant apsotrophe


Nah, that's what used to be around the side door (Lescar Lane entrance)


Or maybe that was sick.....


Thanks for the footnote/explanation though - I don't feel patronised at all :roll:

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Don't know how they managed to spend £400,000 on the refurb!

(About 80,000 per week on average?)


its usually money NOT spent on the actual refurb ....a pub co might have spent only £10K out of 400K on the actual refurb, but simply made the rest of the money 'disappear'...its all company tax stuff....

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I think you will find that around £75,000 was spent on the kitchen alone - not company taxes!


I wish all of the new management and staff at The Lescar lots of luck and I hope they manage to make a success of it.


I think it is important to note that the staff and new management team have done nothing wrong in applying for a job and getting it. They are not personally responsible for the previous management leaving.


I think it looks great inside and out and it is clean which is a far cry from its post refurb state!

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the only differences are its darker, its got bouncers (they won't last) and you can't smoke weed in the garden any more (because of the bouncers).


I went in on Friday and it felt like the good old Lescar. Same faces in virtually the same surroundings.

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How I miss the fights, the death threats, the guns, the rude stand up comedy, the smell of vomit in the bar area, the skanky carpet and furniture, the slooow service, the dodgy loos, the dodgy characters, the football fights, now that was real pub !
You forgot the drugs.
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