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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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Yep - it looks like an old mirror but it's glass! Try going in the other room and you'll see what I mean. I quite liked that - a bit of a novelty factor. Took me a while to figure out why I was invisible yet I could see the reflection of the invisible person next to me. Damned LSD...!

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Called in for pint last night before a meal out and found it ok. Not sure about the wierd way they have redone the bar by removing the wall between the 2 rooms and fixing a mirror up....bit odd......but what struck me was the fact all the track suit wearing ignorant morons who used to drink in the 'tap room' bit have all gone, replaced by well dressed chilled out students and much tidier decor.


Love the real fire in the main bar, and the atmosphere was better, the smell of weed had completely gone from the back corridor, and it felt an Ok place, certainly a big improvement on the scum hole it was earlier this year. The back room was no longer full of chav girls with mammoth ear rings uttering their entire repetoire of 4 letter words at the sad excuses for sub-human male beings who were their partners, and we were not once offered drugs in the toilets. Big change!!!


Ok its not perfect, and still a bit bland overall, but pleasant. I would say the 'class' of the premises has been definitely raised.......because it could not have gone any lower....


It's now better than the Porter Cottage anyway........


Were you sat next to the toilets in the tap room? If so I think I spotted you.

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When I've had one few too many, I often find myself starring at it waiting for a reflection. I don't like it :(

Are you getting used to the new look Lescar mr.b?


Just the extra 15p for a pint of Staropramen (compared to the Porter Brook) is largely keeping me away....

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Just the extra 25p for a pint of Staropramen (compared to the Porter Brook) is largely keeping me away....


Ah but is the QUALITY any better, that is the question!! I had a pint it was served in the incorrect (a real ale) glass and a tad on the flat side......


And remember re prices the Lescar was way below average pub price before..its made an extreme jump yes but it keeps out the muppets and chavs at least.....

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Ah but is the QUALITY any better, that is the question!! I had a pint it was served in the incorrect (a real ale) glass and a tad on the flat side......


Well, in The Lescar I had it served in the correct glass but short measure, lovely head on it - on topping it up though he overdid it and it went flat :(


In the Porter Brook, they reckon they can't get the Staropramen glasses anymore, so the remaining few glasses are kept for the 'regulars' who drink it.


I agree - it definitely needs serving in the right glass though!

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