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Tesco Planning Application -Walkley/Crookesmoor


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Mixed views. I think some people oppose Tesco for the sake of it because they are not politically fashionable.


Having said that the two things which are real in terms of planning are the junction which has five exits and the noise/nuisance from deliveries. I think there were problems with the Abbeydale Road Tesco because of that.


I've always said that a mini-roundabout would solve the problem at the junction. Maybe Tesco could pay for that as they are so obviously interested in that site.


Tesco is one of the few businesses that are flourishing at the moment so they know their stuff. The marketing figures must show there is potential for business.


Not a reason for turning it down but there is abit of overkill in terms of supermarkets in that area. But i guess it is survival of the fittest.

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I am all for fair competition, but I understand the co-op had to sell Somerfield at Broomhill because of competition issues raised by the OFT, but tesco will soon have over 70,000 sq feet of selling space within a 1.2 mile radius of their infirmary road store, i.e. Infirmary Road, the new express just off st phillips road, the express behind the Riverside pub on Derek Dooley Way, the new store planned for the wicker and potentially the springvale road store. Now that is what I would call an unfair saturation of an area.

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My opposition to the previous plan (and this one) was based entirely on the parking situation and the potential for worsening an already dangerous junction.


I think that the statement made on the application that there was no parking problem in the previous business that was on the site is incorrect for a number of reasons:


1) The old business was a petrol station, which by necessity was almost all turned over to space for vehicles to pull off the road in order to do business, whereas the plan is not to provide any more parking at all for this store.


2) The very fact that the petrol station closed down implied that the amount of vehicles which used the site was smaller than would be generated by a successful business.


3) Whoever has done the parking survey and concluded that there is sufficient parking in the nearby streets has obviously not visited at the times of day when the clearway is in operation on Commonside. Negotiating around the parked cars at busy times is sometimes hazardous and very time consuming, even without another shop on a busy junction drawing in new customers parking.


4) The junction onto which the site faces is dangerous enough without people pulling up and parking improperly as they are wont to do (unfortunately some people don't seem to have an understanding of what is unsafe in terms of blocking the view or access of other road users).


I think that your analysis is spot on. Tesco will attract far more traffic than the old petrol station.Springvale Rd is difficult enough to negotiate already without more cars parking at the bottom.

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I think that your analysis is spot on. Tesco will attract far more traffic than the old petrol station.Springvale Rd is difficult enough to negotiate already without more cars parking at the bottom.


Feels like a death trap to me and the visibility isn't very good.

Edited by Grahame
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I live in the area and am on balance in favour of this, the Co-op/Nisa on Barber Rd are pretty useless so I'd appreciate more choice of where to shop.


However, I'm trying to work out how much of their trade would be from pedestrians passing as opposed to motorists and if the traffic stopping there would be any worse than Barber Rd. People are unlikely to drive out of their way to a Tesco Express when there is a full size store not that far (but down a huge hill so not really one you want to walk to with shopping) so most of the cars would likely be local people stopping on the way to/from work.

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I live in the area and am on balance in favour of this, the Co-op/Nisa on Barber Rd are pretty useless so I'd appreciate more choice of where to shop.


However, I'm trying to work out how much of their trade would be from pedestrians passing as opposed to motorists and if the traffic stopping there would be any worse than Barber Rd. People are unlikely to drive out of their way to a Tesco Express when there is a full size store not that far (but down a huge hill so not really one you want to walk to with shopping) so most of the cars would likely be local people stopping on the way to/from work.


How much choice do you want? There is Netto plus the two you mention and a large Tesco within ten minutes walk although, granted you wouldn't walk to Infirmary Road due to the steepness! The main issue is, and always will be the traffic situation. I drive down Springvale everyday and sometimes it takes me 5 minutes to do a 30 second drive (which I know doesn't sound like a lot but its a pain when you're in a hurry!) and the other routes down the hill are the same.


Coming home it's dangerous trying to turn left up Springvale due to people crossing from the bottom section of Springvale and the kn*b who thought it was a good idea to park on the corner outside Rajput. It happens. Every flipping day.


Plus, I don't like Tesco. I'll admit it. They can afford to run at a loss to force others out of business and then Bam! Up go the prices!

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Hi all,


Have read the previous posts with interest, and a lot of you seem to think that destroying the local retail outlets is a sufficient reason for this scheme not to go ahead - alas I doubt that will be the case as you can't side for existing retailers at the detriment of any future retailers, no matter where they are based or from.


The site is an eyesore so Sheffield CC will probably want something done about it.


I do agree though that the junction is not a very clever one, and this would be reasonable objection, but the objection must be based on facts, i.e. a quantifiable number of accidents that have occurred at the junction in say the last 12 months - a decision is not going to get overturned because someone 'thinks' it's unsafe - Tesco will have done their homework, if you are keen on keeping them out, then you must do yours!


Also the fact that there are only three parking spaces is a benefit, as you could attempt to state that this is insufficient parking for 'passing trade'. A way to measure this would be to assess the parking providing at the nearest likely competitors, Co-op and/or Netto and see how much parking outside store is required there. From my own knowledge of the area, sadly for those who are against it, then most of the people who shop there go on foot or by bus.


The shop is not on a main thoroughfare or significant commuter route so is unlikely to attract significant passing trade - so the lack of parking is probably going to be a red herring.


You would probably get more mileage from those who live within 'reasonable proximity' i.e. those who live opposite or adjacent to the site to oppose it on the grounds of infringement of living rights - i.e. would you want a 24 hour refrigeration cooler belting out, and or supermarket lights on shining into your front window til 11pm?


The best mileage that you will probably get from this is the fact of where this development is and the political control of the City. If you lobby your local LIberal Democrat councillor and them he/she/it that you object to this scheme and you expect them as your elected councillor to do something about it then they will either a. listen and do something or b. listen and do nothing. Considering that the city swings from Labour to Lib Dems on a knife edge now then you telling your local councillor that you and your family are unlikely to vote LibDem again may do the trick.


Unfortunately the final main problem is that most of the people in the area are students and/or single professionals, more than likely not from Sheffield, who live in shared houses and couldn't give a toss about Mr Bloggs who's run a shop on Commonisde for nigh on 100 years plus, but will recognise the Tesco sign from 'back home' and associate similar levels of quality and service to what they get there.


Whilst I wish those of you who are against this the best of luck, I'm afraid you may be urinating into a force 10 gale.

Edited by mjmoore0
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I've always said that a mini-roundabout would solve the problem at the junction. Maybe Tesco could pay for that as they are so obviously interested in that site.



No - that would be even worse - best traffic solution would be to block off top of Upperthorpe and make it a normal crossroads instead of a 5 way junction.

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Just walk down Springvale at 9am and you will see the number of people who walk to work, me included.There are a huge number of passers by.People who live in Crookes often walk to town to save on the cost of busfares and due to it being near enough.

When you are coming home, there will always be those who call in to get somthing for tea on the way so they wont have to go all the way to Morrisons or Tesco on Infirmary Rd. The usual hang out for students to shop in Crookes is the co-op so I guess they will be affected by this, but in business, it is all about competition so they will adapt to survive. It is sink or swim.


I do think though that there is already a big problem with traffic coming down and up Springvale and many people trying to cross Springvale on to commonside at the same time. The council allowing people to park there with no restirictions need to be looked at, i think even if Tesco dont go ahead.

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No - that would be even worse - best traffic solution would be to block off top of Upperthorpe and make it a normal crossroads instead of a 5 way junction.


No way! Why would you block off Upperthorpe? It is quite a wide road and well used. If anything the little junction upto Heavygate or the bottom end of Springvale if you are going to block anything

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