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Tesco Planning Application -Walkley/Crookesmoor


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Considering that the city swings from Labour to Lib Dems on a knife edge now then you telling your local councillor that you and your family are unlikely to vote LibDem again may do the trick.

That tactic only works in marginal wards. This site is at the boundary of Broomhill (46.7% LD), Crookes (52.9% LD) and Walkley (49.6% LD).

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That tactic only works in marginal wards. This site is at the boundary of Broomhill (46.7% LD), Crookes (52.9% LD) and Walkley (49.6% LD).


Don't get cocky!!! Ha ha.

I've noticed your comments on this thread are a little condescending.

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That tactic only works in marginal wards. This site is at the boundary of Broomhill (46.7% LD), Crookes (52.9% LD) and Walkley (49.6% LD).


Well I wouldn't expect a LibDem councillor to say anything else!


Presumably you and your colleagues will be as happy to support the local businesses of Walkley by taking account of the views of your electorate?


I quote your Election Manifesto of last year:


"They [The local people in Sheffield] don’t want a Council that doesn’t listen. They don’t want a Council that is only interested in grand projects; ignoring the every day needs of local people. They don’t want a Council that talks big on local residents’ priorities; but then fails to deliver."


or how about:


"We want to empower local communities so that they can have a real say, rather than dictate to them"


or maybe (most amusingly)...


"Sheffield has come a long way since the Tories decimated our local economy in the 1980’s.

We have been supporting Sheffield’s revival and if we take control of the Council in May, we

will continue to support our city.

We believe that we can improve Sheffield’s local economy even faster with a Council that

understands the business world. We understand that the plans to improve our local

economy need to include small and medium sized businesses. We understand a successful

city is about more than just regenerating the city centre. We will:

 Work with partners to ensure that small and medium sized local businesses

are supported and encouraged to grow and succeed.

 Encourage district shopping centres around Sheffield to grow and become

sustainable communities, rather than focusing everything on the city centre.

 Reform the planning department so that it becomes user friendly and improve

consultation on major planning applications through ‘Community Assemblies’.

Liberal Democrats believe that we should also grow our local economy so that we increase

sustainability with regard to climate change. Therefore we will:

 Introduce a ‘buy local’ policy so that the Council favours purchasing goods

and services locally to boost local business and reduce our carbon footprint."



I would be delighted to know when the Community Assembly is going to be to consult on major planning applications - perhaps you could let us all know when it is?


Maybe you and your colleagues should take a trip to Dinnington (in Rotherham I know but surely you can afford the bus fare) where the opening of a Tesco's in the Town Centre has managed to close down a large Co-Op (although admittedly the last I heard Netto's were buying the shop), consolidate the Spar into a GT News, close two family owned butchers, a family owned bakers and a locally owned convenience store with the resultant effect that about a third of Dinnington are now empty shops which were just about fully occupied 6 years ago before Tesco's.


The last time I looked Tesco wasn't a local business, and certainly aren't small or medium sized, although the businesses in the area are. This also flies in the face of the 'buy local' policy you touted - a significant proportion of food in Tesco's isn't produced in the UK, let alone in Sheffield.



Maybe before your LibDem colleagues (who will no doubt make up a majority of the planning committee) make their decision, they might want to revisit the pledges you made to Sheffield and the people of it last year.


You managed to get elected in the Hillsborough area on what was effectively a single issue policy (Hillsborough Bus Gate), so to think that you are immune to the same is just sheer arrogance.



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That tactic only works in marginal wards. This site is at the boundary of Broomhill (46.7% LD), Crookes (52.9% LD) and Walkley (49.6% LD).


Why on earth are you quoting victorious political figures on a thread about Tesco planning applications? Just plain stupid.

Now let me be straight.

I don't have any problem with the Liberal Democrats. I don't especially care if Tesco get planning permission or not. Nor do I presume which way Liberal Democrats on the planning body will vote. But you appear too revel in winding people up on here.


This is not a political propaganda thread. We have ben made fully aware of your dominance in the area with the abundance of "winning here" posters that get dusted down at election time. In addition, your plethora of leaflets with candidates pointing at dog poo and describing the Labour party as if you had trodden in it are a constant form of indepth trivia.


Which ever way you swing does not bother me but please stop being smug.

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Can I repeat what I said last time this came up. Any objections must, by law, be valid planning objections.


Competition is not a planning consideration. "Tesco will put me out of business" is not a planning consideration


Ethics or morals are not planning considerations. "Tesco sell guns and cigarettes and kill third-world children" is not a planning consideration.



I stand corrected, dear fellow.

It would appear we have a mutual interest.

Space exploration.

So pray tell this avid enthusiast.

Which part of Uranus did you broadcast this from?


Why are you so intent on being rude to your constituents?

I have never seen such ridiculous comments from a councillor.

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You managed to get elected in the Hillsborough area on what was effectively a single issue policy (Hillsborough Bus Gate), so to think that you are immune to the same is just sheer arrogance.




The Liberal Democrats were elected in Hillsborough the first time on the single issue of re-opening the bus gates (which they didn't).


This time it was on the single issue of saving a school (which they haven't).


I have gone off message. Blasted politics. Tesco will do well and should be given the chance because there is clearly a dirth of decent, reasonably priced supermarkets within walking distance of that spot. Yes there are other supermarkets I hear you cry. But they are rubbish. If Tesco want to open and invest in the area by clearing up a derelict eyesore, creating jobs and delivering quality produce at reasonable prices in these hard times then let them. Customers (like voters) vote with their feet.

So be it.

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Anybody can submit as many planning applications as frequently as they can afford. They can submit an identical application one second after the planning meeting if they so wish.



You may find that such applications can be rejected by officers without reference to a board, if they contain no material changes.

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Anybody can submit as many planning applications as frequently as they can afford. They can submit an identical application one second after the planning meeting if they so wish.


Can I repeat what I said last time this came up. Any objections must, by law, be valid planning objections.

................ etc.


Can you please check the most up-to-date guidelines as I believe that while "competition" may not be applicable, many other reasons surrounding the proximity of similar businesses are now allowed to be considered.


i.e. proximity of a similar business can become grounds for rejection.

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Well I wouldn't expect a LibDem councillor to say anything else!


Presumably you and your colleagues will be as happy to support the local businesses of Walkley by taking account of the views of your electorate?


Well yes, maybe thats why the Lib Dems have come out against it!



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Well yes, maybe thats why the Lib Dems have come out against it!




Presumably the Lib Dems sitting on the board have not. I was led to believe that all planning decisions are not supposed to be under a party whip. Any councillors appearing in literature or press articles previous to the decision will not be able to vote.


It is up to individual councillors not party lines.


Are any of the Broomhill/Crookes/Walkley cllrs on the board?

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