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Tesco Planning Application -Walkley/Crookesmoor


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this just smacks of wanting to corner the local market. dont get me wrong, i do my 'bigshop' at tesco, but frequent the local independant shops for the other bits and bobs. and the proposed location would exacerbate traffic problems on an already busy junction. a tesco here would offer no more than is available at the moment.

I hope it gets granted. It will be handy for me.


I don't think it will encourage massive traffic problems, it will serve the local students as the co-op tries to now. The difference is Tesco tends to be well stocked, and well priced. The Co-op has crap service, over priced food and the selves are generally empty.


The current newsagents etc in the area do well, even though they are in competition with the co-op now.


If I were to put in an objection or petition, I would probably send it to Tescos themselves aswell as planning, and it would suggest that they aren't allowed to stock newspapers and magazines.

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Tescos also have a policy of multiple daily deliveries using articulated lorries. I can scarcely imagine the mayhem that will be caused by artics manouvering in that area. An lorry trying to reverse on to that plot of land would stop traffic in all directions for a good 5 minutes.

sorry can't be bothered to edit my prev post

This is a big negative too. But I've seen this used in previous objections, and they came to nothing.

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It's OK to have a few big Tescos around, but their move into local shopping centres is an insidious ploy designed to kill off all local competition.


I don't live in Walkley or use the shops there, but if I did I would object in the strongest terms to this planning application. If allowed

Walkley will lose it's local shops just as Fulwood did when Tesco opened their Tesco Express there.

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It's OK to have a few big Tescos around, but their move into local shopping centres is an insidious ploy designed to kill off all local competition.


I don't live in Walkley or use the shops there, but if I did I would object in the strongest terms to this planning application. If allowed

Walkley will lose it's local shops just as Fulwood did when Tesco opened their Tesco Express there.


I think I agree. What makes places like Commonside/Crookes Valley different is that the shops are unique and local. Placing a huge corporate brand like Tesco here will put enormous strain on the independent businesses of the area who have enough on their plate as it is as this council will bully us by implementing a parking zone (dig deep again, business partners and residents) that nobody I've spoken to actually wants.


Joined-up thinking rarely comes into the processes of Sheffield City Council and inparticular, their Highways Department. Residents, businesses and now customers will struggle to park and should they have the pleasure of doing so, will have to pay.




Let's go one further. Let's bring Tesco to the region and bid adieu to the Co-op, AMAFF's newsagent, the local sandwich shops, Beanies wholesale food shop. Maybe the post office will close?


Thing is, by the time Tesco arrives, there'll probably be nothing else to come into the area for.


Our council will have taken care of that.

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tesco ... through their vast buying power undercut local retailers.


... the proposed location would exacerbate traffic problems on an already busy junction.


Compare Tesco's prices with those at Netto and you may get a surprise. Tesco succeed with their convenience stores by providing a wide range of food and drink, and by offering this wide range for 16 hours a day Mon.-Sat. and for 6 hours on Sunday.


In practical terms, traffic and parking might be the main problem in Walkley (enter the Council...). When Tesco opened in Ashby, everyone welcomed them except those people whose gardens back on to the car park. But a lot of people use Tesco's car park for the (supposed) 20 minutes maximum and then happily do their shopping in Ashby High Street.

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Really , I don't think there is any need and there is nothing that a Tesco of that size could provide that is not already provided in the local vicinity.


If this is true then Tesco won't open - there would be no point.

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how do you know the local majority would like a tesco on their doorstep? have you conducted a poll?? there is everything you need in this area already, whatever you cant get, and would probably not be avalable in a small tesco as proposed, is available down at the infirmary road branch.


I dont know. But if they dont want it it will soon go out of business and go away. How do you know they dont want it? Have you done a poll?

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I think I agree. What makes places like Commonside/Crookes Valley different is that the shops are unique and local. Placing a huge corporate brand like Tesco here will put enormous strain on the independent businesses of the area who have enough on their plate as it is as this council will bully us by implementing a parking zone (dig deep again, business partners and residents) that nobody I've spoken to actually wants.


Joined-up thinking rarely comes into the processes of Sheffield City Council and inparticular, their Highways Department. Residents, businesses and now customers will struggle to park and should they have the pleasure of doing so, will have to pay.




Let's go one further. Let's bring Tesco to the region and bid adieu to the Co-op, AMAFF's newsagent, the local sandwich shops, Beanies wholesale food shop. Maybe the post office will close?


Thing is, by the time Tesco arrives, there'll probably be nothing else to come into the area for.


Our council will have taken care of that.


But if people want local type shops they wont go to to tesco and it wont drive them out of business. If they go out of business its because people prefer to have a tesco to having local shops. Why should a minority of locals be able to specify what shops others can use?


A lot of people are very critical of the co-op (empty shelves, narrow range of stock) and would actually prefer a tesco.

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