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Sheffield's Gay Zone


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I must admit Dawns Dempseys birthday evening was a true extravaganza of an evening with nice food layed on for Dempseys regulars and I heartily enjoyed the night no end - great on Curtis too for laying on an impromptu karaoke - some really talented singers too popped up from nowhere ;-)


Yes I am afraid it IS true - I was there on the fateful night .. Tyranna was assaulted physically in Affinity - I think from now on we should all seek the safe sanctuary of Dempseys instead and hit them back where it hurts in their pockets - who wants a gay zone in Campo Lane if people can go in and be assaulted at Affinity !

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I actually think we are at the dawning of a new golden age for the scene, with a proper Pride, 2 gay clubs (dempseys and xes), 2 bars/ pubs (lions lair and affinity)- of which there are 3 places open day and night where you can also get decent food!, plus the 'Monthlies'- Rarara, Climax, Speed Queen and then there's the red room every weekend...


Is the Red Room still Gay??? I remember the short-lived residency that FUEL did there, which was a great success; shame that they gave it up...



What we need now is:


A 'gay alternative' night for the non scene gays and indie/ arty types


Haven't we already got the nationally-famous RAZOR STILETTO?

Also, on Sunday June 8, a new night, BOX OF DELIGHTS will be launched (See separate thread for details).



I also think we should lobby for a gay zone on campo lane and queen street, so perfect it's crying out for it!!


Far better would be focusing on the Cultural Industries Quarter: The Rutland Arms seems to be ending its current lease, and also the attractive old Matilda pub has been empty now for 4 years, so there might be a couple of business opportunities there...

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Is the Red Room still Gay??? I remember the short-lived residency that FUEL did there, which was a great success; shame that they gave it up...





Haven't we already got the nationally-famous RAZOR STILETTO?

Also, on Sunday June 8, a new night, BOX OF DELIGHTS will be launched (See separate thread for details).





Far better would be focusing on the Cultural Industries Quarter: The Rutland Arms seems to be ending its current lease, and also the attractive old Matilda pub has been empty now for 4 years, so there might be a couple of business opportunities there...


Yes maybe someone could start off the Matoilda pub going again as a drag bar which is what it used to be !

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Yes maybe someone could start off the Matoilda pub going again as a drag bar which is what it used to be !


But this time they might want to clean it a bit first, the place was filthy and smelt like open drains last time it was open.


A bit of fresh paint might help too.


As I pointed out on another thread, a case of the "minimum effort - maximum profit" mentality that the Sheffield scene seems to encorage, not suprisingly it didn't last long.

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All I ever hear on here is "Lets have another drag bar, like in the good old days". Does the word "progress" not mean anything to you sad old queens? Tell you what, just for a change, let's not have another bleedin' drag bar? Eh?
Just out of curiosity what do you want?


I read Metro on the bus on the way into work most mornings and when I look at the listings section and see that under the gay/lesbian section its always something in leeds with house or electro or trance or something and all thats ever listed for sheffield is karaoke at dempseys. Its a bit sad really

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Oh yes i forgot about razor stilleto!


Gay 'alternative' isnt about 'non gay gay night'- see this link http://www.angelfire.com/ga/yindiescene/club2.html


Red Room- when Fuel stopped their 'residency' there, it was certainly contnuing as gay. We in fact were in town one weelend in march or april when we first had to decide between Dempseys, OR Affinity OR (!!!!!) Lions, and in Lions lair, had flyers on the table for not one but TWO (yes TWO) clubbing options open to us (in addition to dempseys and xes the old stalwarts) We nearly fell of our chairs. And later we did.


Just to offset the rampant conflict, criticism, nihilism, and nay-saying, by agreeing and supporting some of what people are saying:


Drag bar- i'd fully support

Matilda- yep would be good

Cultural industries quarter- good plan


Ansd i;m off now to look up 'Box of Delights'- despite being in danger of missing big brother live laucnh night!

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Just out of curiosity what do you want?



Well for a start I have to say that I like Dempseys. I recognise that I probably go there as it's a "default" choice and doesn't take much thinking about. It reminds me of the old Admiral Duncan in Nottingham where I cut my gay teeth, so to speak. It's homely and there are familiar faces but also new ones. All life is there (sometimes pond included) but that's how it should be. The gay "community" is a complete mix of all types of people united by only one thing - the gender that we fall in love (or into bed) with.


As a counterpoint to that what I would really like to see in a gay bar, I guess, is somewhere like the Forum, young, forward-looking, aspirational, confident, with good dance music, cutting edge decor and a hint of attitude. If someone is gonna re-open The Matilda or whatever, let's not settle for glitter and drag, trannies and tat. Let's have modern art and funky house, a door-whore without 6" heels and a sneer, good vodka and unheard-of lager.....Ah well, a boy can dream.

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Its all pie in the sky really! it will never happen, cause we havent even managed to support the venues we have had....................so why would people/council bother investing money in something that will be busy for 2 weeks then die!

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Its all pie in the sky really! it will never happen, cause we havent even managed to support the venues we have had....................so why would people/council bother investing money in something that will be busy for 2 weeks then die!


Well said, too many a tale on this thread, plenty of moans, but not enough support, so why should new people invest in something when knowing full well it will be supported for a few weeks, and thats it.


Lets hope the Gay Pride is going to be supported. :)

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