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Sheffield's Gay Zone


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Its all pie in the sky really! it will never happen, cause we havent even managed to support the venues we have had.


And why is that ?


Is it becasue people keep opening the same kind of places again and again. FAB and Fuel were exactly the same as Planet was 10+ years ago. If Planet failed to stay open (due to whatever reason, location, prices etc.) what makes people think that a club like it (or in the case of FAB literally the same place but with a different name) will succeed now ?


In the posts above people said "why not reopen the Matilda like it was", if the Matilda before couldn't manage to stay open what makes people think that opening it again, in exactly the same way will work this time ?


I'm not a bussiness man, and I've never run a pub/club, but common sense says to me that if an idea/concept doesn't work then repeating it will just lead to repeated failures.


What we need is something DIFFERENT, not another clone of something that has failed multiple times in the past.


As I've said before, you can't make people support a place, they actually have to want to go after the initial 2 week interest period has worn off. If you want "support" you need to offer the customer something for their loyalty, you can't just expect it.


There might be some people who have the "It's a dump, but at least it's gay" attitude but obviously the vast majority of the gay people in Sheffield don't have that attitude, and go elsewhere.

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oh no i completely agree with you, we do need something different, however if I was a business man and seeing what the scene in Sheffield is like I wouldnt bother, I know Fuel was like Planet but you have to start somewhere and then there will have been a ripple effect, people from outside would have seen how successful it was and then maybe just maybe opened up alternative and different venues to go along side.


However saying that Sheffield has a reputation, because of some of its bar owners, of destroying the scene. Alan and Angel for example, owned everything and there were not many others around. Fuel tried to steal business from other venues. So its a total nightmare, Dempseys seem to be the only ones to stay out of it and thats the attitude that is needed, like someone said, not to get dirty venues to make a quick buck and then leave.


However it does not want to or seem to be happening and its strange that the 5th biggest city in the UK has nothing to shout about.

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someone assualted Tyranna.....can't imagine why...


Sheffield doesn't need a scene the people and the place are some of the most tolerant around so you can go anywhere.


Here in Birmingham it's very different

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Is anyone going down to Pride today ? and also to Razor Stiletto for the night disco ? (or will people still go to Dempsey's ?). What's Razor Stiletto like as I've never been (I've read there website btw).


Would be nice to put names to faces to a lot of the people on this forum so we know what you all look like, assuming your going down ? Any chance of giving us a clue to what you'll be wearing so we recognise you ?

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Hi there fella did you go to the gay pride in sheffield and if so was it ok?


A very large number of people went, very conservative guess about 2500, probably a lot more and as far as I could see everyone had a great time!

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