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Sheffield's Gay Zone


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Just heard in the last few days from a close friend I met at London Pride, about rumours of a new 'LGBT' venue (that's a gay venue if you haven't already twigged) to be called 'Identity', planned in central Sheffield.

I know nothing else except for the name of the venue and of the person who is wanting to open it, and for reasons of privacy I want to keep the latter confidential.


Has anyone else heard anything about this proposed new venue, or possibly where it will be located? since the departure of FUEL, Sheffield has somewhat been poorly provided with Gay venues in comparison to Leeds, so perhaps there is room in the market for another one, although bearing in mind the economic conditions, it might not be the easiest time to launch a new club of any sort... For this reason, I at first assumed that this friend of mine simply meant 'Affinity' (Similar name to 'Identity') as Affinity did change hands only this Spring, but no, he said that an individual was opening an entirely new gay venue somewhere in the city.


Do feel free to add any info regarding this rumoured new venue, but PLEASE keep to the topic of this one new venue ONLY, as I notice the admins have closed a thread which originally was about the proposed 'Pussycats' venue (Thanks, Stagewalker), as it never materialised; if the 'Identity' proposal is once again only a rumour and does also come to nothing, this thread can easily enough be locked as well...


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Moderator warning:


Several posts removed.


This thread has required way too much moderating time already. If the sniping/bitching/self promotion continues, it will be closed very shortly and bans will be issued.


The people involved know who I'm talking about.


The Admin and Moderating team have better things to do with their time than deal with reports about bitchfests.


It stops here.

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While I agree with removing posts of a personal nature (I will take my messages private in future!) there was a useful suggestion mentioned in one of my removed posts and relevent to Sheffield Gay Zone that I would like ot repeat here if I may ...


I was proposing that in addition to the commercial scene which just seems ot involve pubs, bars and clubs with loud music and no conversation, that someone should set up a gay or gay friendly cafe/coffee house in the city centre where gay people with artistic interests may come together to discuss current affairs or arts matters over a nice cup of coffee - would anyone be interested in setting up such a venue? Also if the Matilda street development does take off this would be a good candidate for it rather than just more bars and pubs - possibly an outdoor seating area also - continental style spilling into the gay green park/square if that ever materialises?


Also one of the existing places could be used to hold weekly meetings - perhaps the new Costa in Peace Gardens? with the permissions of the owner obviously if it is gay friendly ....

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Sarcasm one imagines...


No I would like to see a proper gay rock bar as all the rest just play dance and cheese....there are a lot of gay rockers and no one caters for them......we are not all stereotypical u know......

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