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Swearing Chavs in the queue - cover your ears


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Crikey moses, went to the city centre with a 15 year old relative and was shocked to hear all the swearing in the bars/clubs in the city centre.


Do people not have standards? I'm trying to set a good example for him.


Oh hurray. Another p*ss - poor troll from Mini_Cooper.

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Well i am no chav yet i am also no angel but before commenting on a subject like this may i first say!! Pubs and clubs are for people aged 18 or over generally and if these people wish to use language which you may find inappropriate then its their choice although it may not be nice to hear. I am sure you have let your tongue slip everynow and again however if you were trying to set a good example i dont believe taking a 15 year old realtive into pubs and clubs in the city centre is the way to go about it, as it is quite inappropriate and irresponsible!! Local pubs are not so bad but it is more or less a sure thing that there will be swearing and perhaps excitable behaviour within the pubs in town!!

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