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Exotic Blair

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It seem the Blairs fancy a change this time from their usual freebie destinations. This time they are going to Barbados courtesy of that little creep Sir Cliff Richard. Sir Cliff has offered them the use of his £3million colonial-style mansion on Barbados.


That's right it is not costing them a penny. But we will donate something to charity they say!


Blairs last 'donation' to charity was £3,000 to a childrens hospital in Italy after his use of a government owned villa which cost the Italian taxpayers around £20,000.


It's a shame Cliff didn't think about giving the use of his mansion to the families of the Military Policemen killed in Iraq due to Blairs folly.


I sincerely hope he hits his head on the bottom of the pool! Scrounger.



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Originally posted by halevan

Why? don't you like him?


Lets just say that nothing that Blair does is able to curry favour with me.


I take it your a fan of Blair?


To be honest Halevan, If the Tory party could get rid of the old dead wood, then create a new manifesto I don't think it would be very difficult for them to get rid of these Scottish communists we call government!

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Originally posted by Lickszz

It seem the Blairs fancy a change this time from their usual freebie destinations. This time they are going to Barbados courtesy of that little creep Sir Cliff Richard. Sir Cliff has offered them the use of his £3million colonial-style mansion on Barbados.


That's right it is not costing them a penny. But we will donate something to charity they say!


Blairs last 'donation' to charity was £3,000 to a childrens hospital in Italy after his use of a government owned villa which cost the Italian taxpayers around £20,000.


It's a shame Cliff didn't think about giving the use of his mansion to the families of the Military Policemen killed in Iraq due to Blairs folly.


I sincerely hope he hits his head on the bottom of the pool! Scrounger.



It looks as if the Peter Pan of pop wants yet more recognition and what better way than to suck upto to "President" Blair and his trout of a wife.....she still looks fat even though the fashion "guru" gave her tips on how to look "decent"....

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Originally posted by Miss_60

It looks as if the Peter Pan of pop wants yet more recognition and what better way than to suck upto to "President" Blair and his trout of a wife.....she still looks fat even though the fashion "guru" gave her tips on how to look "decent"....


Fat?! She looks more the Joker to me!



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Originally posted by Lickszz

his use of a government owned villa which cost the Italian taxpayers around £20,000.

If you or I received a benefit like that as a result of our job I think we would be liable to pay income tax as a "benefit in kind", I'm sure that Mr Blair will have done so - aren't you? And of course it puts him in some debt to the Italian government and that pillar of integrity, Berlusconi...
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Originally posted by robh

If you or I received a benefit like that as a result of our job I think we would be liable to pay income tax as a "benefit in kind", I'm sure that Mr Blair will have done so - aren't you? And of course it puts him in some debt to the Italian government and that pillar of integrity, Berlusconi...


No, I am not sure that Blair would pay tax. These types of things are classed by some as a favours from so called friends in high places. Trouble is it's not the first time Blair has availed himslf of such immense luxury for free and bear in mind the influence of the biggest scrounger in the U.K. Cherie Blair. (wasn't it she who was at Wimbledon alongside Cliff?)


Perhaps Cliff could lend is mansion out to Cilla Black or Jim Davidson - you know the very people who said they would take their hook and live elsewhere if Labour ever got in power.


I am angry that the likes of Blair should even consider accepting these 'favours' as some put it. I call it scrounging and will stick to that. These people who have stung the ordinary people with over 60 stealth taxes and let the super rich off the hook with a fixed 40% tax rate I call that not 'favours' but corruption. They have awarded themselves and their cronies with inflationary pay awards and bullet proof pension schemes and now have the audacity due to Browns pension robberies to tell people you can work till you drop.

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Originally posted by Miss_60

It looks as if the Peter Pan of pop wants yet more recognition and what better way than to suck upto to "President" Blair and his trout of a wife.....she still looks fat even though the fashion "guru" gave her tips on how to look "decent"....


I have never either liked or disliked Cliff Richard ... until now. I have nothing but utter contempt for the little creep.

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He is already a sir, so the creeping is not gonna get him far, only maybe a personal invite to that little council house in Downing Street.


Or will it be arise King Cliff:twisted:

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Moderator in "removed post" shocker!


I'm scottish. Not a labour party member nor supporter. But I do rail against the assertion that they are "scottish communists".


They are obviously neither "scottish" nor "communist". Both terms there are clearly meant to be derogatory, so I'll repeat - racist.


Try moderating your own posts, perhaps?

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