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Exotic Blair

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Originally posted by waxy chuff

Moderator in "removed post" shocker!


I'm scottish. Not a labour party member nor supporter. But I do rail against the assertion that they are "scottish communists".


They are obviously neither "scottish" nor "communist". Both terms there are clearly meant to be derogatory, so I'll repeat - racist.


Try moderating your own posts, perhaps?


Oh, so Tony Blair isn't Scottish now then? oh, Funny that. I could have sworn he was born in Edinburgh!! want me to go on..I am very sure I can name quite alot more who are Scottish! You seem quick to shout racist every chance you get. Apparently it's about the only contribution you seem to make towards this board. Do you sit in the shadows looking for something to shout racist at? Look, I have nothing against Scottish people. Some of My best friends from my forces days were Scottish and I spent much time in Scotland. You ought to be aware of some of the opinons on Blair and his party politics in Scotland by Rival Scottish parties and people. Which Brings John Reid...noted for his days as a Glaswegian COMMUNIST and trade union organiser. These are facts WAXY aka Left Wing Agitator.

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"Some of my best friends are Scottish..." LOL!


Tony Blair was born in Edinburgh, but spent most of his childhood in Durham. He then returned to Edinburgh to top up his authentic Scottish accent at Fettes College, a rather posh school for those unfortunate kids born of rich parents. His parents are not Scottish. He doesn't believe himself to be Scottish (cf last world cup for example).


The Cabinet and government are neither obviously nor overwhelmingly Scottish. There's point one.


Point two - even if you don't accept the above, why label them "scottish" commies if you're just referring to Reid? Another English guy who rails against "outsiders", are we? Stick your head back under the rock, eejit.


If the moderators of this site wish to behave in this censoring manner towards people who post, I have grave fears for this site's future.


Left wing agitator? [edited] off! I'm a classic liberal, which, relative to your ideological standpoint, is probably the equivalent of a left-wing agitator.


[RPG - masked swearing removed]

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Er didn't sir cliff actually say to the Blairs that they could have the villa if they payed the market rate for rental to a charity.


So the Blairs are paying top whack for Sir Cliff's villa on the condition they pay the money to a worthy cause rather than super rich sir cliff.


also, since Cherie Blair is by far and away the Main Breadwinner in their marriage that she may be footing the neck end of the bill.


And I'm trying to find any trace of this Scottish Commies tirade, but I can't - can anyone help?


and Licksizz, cut down on the Pro-Plus willya...

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Originally posted by Miss_60

It looks as if the Peter Pan of pop wants yet more recognition and what better way than to suck upto to "President" Blair and his trout of a wife.....she still looks fat even though the fashion "guru" gave her tips on how to look "decent"....



What's the ugliest

Part of your body?


What's the ugliest

Part of your body?


Some say your nose


Some say your toes


(I think it's your mind)

But I think it's YOUR MIND

(Your mind)

I think it's your mind, woo woo

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Originally posted by waxy chuff

"Some of my best friends are Scottish..." LOL!


Tony Blair was born in Edinburgh, but spent most of his childhood in Durham. He then returned to Edinburgh to top up his authentic Scottish accent at Fettes College, a rather posh school for those unfortunate kids born of rich parents. His parents are not Scottish. He doesn't believe himself to be Scottish (cf last world cup for example).


The Cabinet and government are neither obviously nor overwhelmingly Scottish. There's point one.


Point two - even if you don't accept the above, why label them "scottish" commies if you're just referring to Reid? Another English guy who rails against "outsiders", are we? Stick your head back under the rock, eejit.



Left wing agitator? f**k off! I'm a classic liberal, which, relative to your ideological standpoint, is probably the equivalent of a left-wing agitator.


I am not just referring to Reid. I was using Reid as a classic example. I know Blair was born in Edinburgh, I told you this. Scotland wasn't even in the last World Cup. Although Blair did write a personal letter of support to Martin O'Neil supporting/tipping his CELTIC team to win the Cup against Porto and then he proceeded by asking Reid to represent the Government at the game. Yes, the cabinet is spread evenly - I agree with that! but a significant number of key positions are subsequently held by Scots. Plonkett, Straw, Reid declared commies others have 'links' if you can understand that.


I do not begrudge anyone who has worked hard to achieve riches, what does hurt me is that the working middle classes unlike the upper classes are being penalised due to means testing and I am not talking about rich middle classes I am talking about those that have a little 'private' income that puts them above the means test level and which makes them worse off than the 'bottom' bracket on total benefits.


And as for values, isn't that what Phoney Blair promised but as usual never delivered. He certainly could do with some target practice.


As for the Tories. This lot are as inferior as any Tory government we have ever had!


And definitely no relation to traditional Labour.


Are you trying to tell me that Scottish routes do not exist in New Labour? Gordon Brown, Robin Cook (resigned) are just two examples. Brian Wilson - Former Radical Journalist George Robertson - ex Trade Union Official. New Labour might today prefer to forget the role of Marxism Today, Blair himself wrote for the magazine, and one of his key policy advisors Geoff Mulgan was a regular contributor.


As I said my opinion of New Labour is that it's nothing short of Communism by Stealth if you like. We are suffering the worst taxes ever with the least to show for them.

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