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It's not smoking, and it's in The Lounge Bar


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Hello all smokers


This Thursday evening we will be displaying the Vaporstar vaporiser, a healthier choice over smoking.


This little event will take place in The Lounge Bar on West St/Glossop Rd, between the hours of 7.30pm and 10pm


There will be a few different tobaccos for you to try, but please feel free to bring your own.


I look forwards to seeing you all there and helping you find a way around the smoking ban.






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What next ... a "healthier" way of eating arsenic?



There is no such thing as a healthy way of ingesting tobacco. The stuff's poisonous.


You are quite wrong here Heyesey.

Vaporisers work at a much lower temperature than 'burning' tobacco in a cigarette. It is the combustion at high temperature that gives rise to all the bad stuff in tobacco.

If the temperature is controlled, you can liberate the nicotine from the tobacco without all the other nasties you get at high temperatures.


Hey Dave......is the Vaporstar anything like a Volcano?


Vaporisers are very good for people who want to quit smoking alltogether as you can curb your nicotine cravings without smoking all the bad stuff. They are also used to ingest other more commonly smoked intoxicants :)

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But how funny would it be - bar full of people, then someone pulls one of them things out lol.




Don't think you'd breathe anything passively, but might look like a crack house and put folk off if too many started.

Vaporisator wotsit fingy its a soddin water bong for gods sake, nowt new about them !! we made one from a coconut and some bamboo when we were at uni years ago maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :D:D why do you think im called fogbat !!!!
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