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It's not smoking, and it's in The Lounge Bar


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So you admit that it is smoking then. I quote from your website:


Welcome to Vaporstar


Announcing the launch of the latest vaporisation tool that will change the way you smoke


Smoking, of any kind, is banned in enclosed public spaces. This includes hookah aswell as all other kinds of smoking. I really don't see how bongs can be excluded. You can put a party frock on it by giving it a fancy name - but that's essentially what it is - a bong.


Yes, CHANGE the way you smoke, I thought that was fairly clear.

It's not smoking I'm promoting, it's vaporisation.

My device changes any small glass pipe(bong) into a vaporiser.

It's not just a bong.

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The tobacco is vaporised, not smoked and if anything is exhaled it dissipates quickly.


Dissipates quickly into where? I thought that the whole point of the smoking ban was that those who didn't wish to inhale nicotine and other tobacco byproducts didn't have to- in an enclosed space the vapour must change the atmosphere of the room in which it is used.

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Dissipates quickly into where? I thought that the whole point of the smoking ban was that those who didn't wish to inhale nicotine and other tobacco byproducts didn't have to- in an enclosed space the vapour must change the atmosphere of the room in which it is used.




When smoke is formed it carries everything apart from the ashes left in the ash tray or what is stuck inside the lungs into the atmosphere. That's a lot of particles that hang in the air, and always at the same height.

With vaporisation the amount of nicotine taken in to the lungs is very small, and what is exhaled is even less if any at all.

When vapors are released into the air, they disperse upwards much like clouds or steam from a kettle, they don't hang in the air.

What is important is that the radioactive particles trapped within the tobacco, remain in the tobacco after vaporisation.

This is the real danger of smoking, passive or otherwise; is the inhalation of heavy metals that have been transferred from the fertilizers used in high intensity farming, to the plant while growing.

It's only when the plant is broken down by burning it, that the radioactive particles are released into the smoke and tar that is inhaled.

These particles build up in the lungs and eventually become large enough to cause ill effect.

Hope that helps.

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I'm sorry, but until you can produce independent research about the air quality before and after someone in a room using one of these contraptions, then I will continue to be deeply skeptical about what you say on this matter. There must be a portion of what is released from the tobacco that is not absorbed into the smokers' lungs and exhaled, and that must remain in the air- reduced or not, that is still something that I choose as a non-smoker not to inhale.

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I'm sorry, but until you can produce independent research about the air quality before and after someone in a room using one of these contraptions, then I will continue to be deeply skeptical about what you say on this matter. There must be a portion of what is released from the tobacco that is not absorbed into the smokers' lungs and exhaled, and that must remain in the air- reduced or not, that is still something that I choose as a non-smoker not to inhale.


That's okay, if people don't stand for what they believe it would be a very sad world.

However, as I say the vapor rises and for you to inhale anything passively you would have to be uncomfortably close to the exhalee.

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hey... do you get the same buzz as a cigarete, i dont smoke for the nicotine i smoke for the buzz??,but correct me if i'm wrong.

and joe smack heads dont use pipes mate.


It's mainly the nicotine that gives you that lightheaded feeling amongst the various other oils and chemicals added by the tobacco companies that alter the flavour and the way the tobacco burns.


I recommend pipe tobacco over cigarette tobacco if your using a vaporiser, combustion is less likely and the flavour is richer.

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Dissipates quickly into where? I thought that the whole point of the smoking ban was that those who didn't wish to inhale nicotine and other tobacco byproducts didn't have to- in an enclosed space the vapour must change the atmosphere of the room in which it is used.


No the whole point of the smoking ban was to protect the people who worked in smoky environments from chronic smoke inhalation related diseases. That's what it's for.


It would change the atmosphere about as much as an asthma sufferer would, using their inhaler. Marginally less perhaps.

Fair play to you and I guess it may have come over a little sharp. :)


Just to expand a little on what was going through my mind, the whole scene with vapourisers and bongs and the like really seems to have itself rooted in drug culture. You can explain about hookahs and ancient Persian traditions as much as you like - the average person sees it as a smack-head accessory.


Whilst I couldn't care less what people do in their own homes is it the sort of thing that we want to be confronted with in a public bar?


The laws been changed, people will have to get used to it. Having a load of percieved drug paraphernalia in a bar isn't what I want to experience.

If I go into a bar and there isn't some drug delivery paraphenalia behind the bar, then I'd wonder how the hell I was going to get a drink.


If it harms none, then I reckon it's just a matter of aesthetics. If it doesn't break the law, and the proprietors are cool with it, you might as well complain about the haircuts of other punters or that they look shifty…


And this is a prototype. Newer models might be much better looking!


Seeing as this is a pretty modern invention, and people enjoy the effects and taste of tobacco ingestion - & if your aesthetic objection was upheld - the other alternative might be to go back to having spitoons everywhere?


What if I want to go out and enjoy a soft drink without loads of garrulous pish-heads breathing fumes on me and shouting?


Who's going to start the petition?


How long before people are taking a snuffbox into the pub?

How long before people start augmenting their own boxes of Wilsons of Sharrow white snuff?


The thing is, if you support a law as confused and ill conceived as this, you've got to expect people to game the game. Nicotine addicts will game the game within the law to be able to enjoy alco-nicotine socially, just like money addicts use tax avoidance for their ends.

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