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But is it art?

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Was going to start a new thread (after going off on a tangent when arguing about page 3 girls) but this will do! This angered me:




:rant:now that is not art! It isn't thought provoking! Its a pretentious joke!


Whatever it is, this Metro website don't know what they are talking about.

Why does the headline say "Blank Banksy canvas..." when the body of the article names Bob Law (died 2004) as the "artist"?


Apart from that, it's from 1969. They've had 42 years to get upset. Why now all of a sudden? What was it sold for last time -20, 40.000? It's a well known piece and didn't just suddenly appear out of the blue with that price tag.

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Good morning and hello to all here


Art is defined in the eyes of the beholder. Importantly, item on display is given more credibility as 'art,' when some fools pay to see and even worse, pay good money to have it in their home.



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Does modern art need renaming? There was a time a few years ago when Damina Hurst could at least semi-legitimately chainsaw a sheep in half and preserve it in formaldehyde and call it art. It may not have fallen into many people idea of aesthetically pleasing but it was genuinely challenging and different. Now mod art is at best staid and repetative and at best utter dross (sorry but if I want to see a pile of bricks I'll go to Wickes and if I can see an unmade bed every morning) - is there anything out there truly either modern or art?


And yes there is, but modern art is not what you are referring to - I think you are talking about conceptual art, postmodernism, and the recent (in art terms) fad for the kitsch, retro, and all things self-referential. Brit art (At least get the names right! It's Damien Hirst) had it's stars, it's winners and losers, and a lot of it went up in smoke. But it was all pretty conceptual.


Modern Art refers particularly to stuff between the start of WWI and about the time when you & I were born (I think we're about the same age, but I'm talking about the very late 60s/early 70s).


The nice thing about art, though, is that you don't have to like it, or know anything about it if you don't want to. Like what you like, don't like what you don't like.


I'm not mad for pop-art, but look how it influenced the world. And abstract expressionism too. Surrealism has become part of conventional reality, banal even, but the man on the clapham omnibus at the time thought the surrealists were clinically insane.


The impressionists were so named as a term of abuse.


It's only art.

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This angered me

Why anger? If someone is willing to pay a lot of money for something you consider awful I don't see why it would make you angry.


I quite like it, the idea of it. I wouldn't buy it, or put it in my house if it was even given to me, but if someone wants to call it art then so be it.

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