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What's happening to 'Bed' nightclub on London Road?


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Apologies if I missed out on some piece of common knowledge...just wondering if anyone knows what is happening to Bed Nightclub?


Understand the land adjacent is being used for development work. But they seem to have left the club standing.


Is it ever going to re-open? Is a listed building? Who currently owns it? Are they going to make it into flats?


What's going on?!? Feel sorry for it every time I walk up London Road and see it left as a dilapidated shell!

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gutting isnt it? bed was by far a fantastic nightclub and picked us up when gatecrasher got s****y. it smelt disgusting, but everyone was sooo friendly - i wonder why. im on about sat nights though not wed dirty student nights. I heard they were making it into a live music place, but hey what do i know

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Yeah, GC1 never actually explained officially what was happening with bed. I used to like the place, but found it started to get more pretentious towards the end and there were far too many people that wouldn't give you the time of day. I think a positive thing is that smaller clubs like Urban Gorilla have now taken off. It's good to see smaller clubs doing well and bringing new music into a scene that was getting dangerously stale. The same thing happened in Liverpool when Cream closed, a lot of smaller clubs took off which meant a greater variety of music and atmospheres in the city. I have found these newer clubs to have a far friendlier clientele. I think the scene overall is going back underground to its roots leading to the demise of super clubs.

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