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What's happening to 'Bed' nightclub on London Road?


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Can anyone remember sum of the Security Staff - got to give em a shout!


SPANNER - who now works on Devonshire Street (at Forum, I think)


EARL - who works for one of the main bars in Chesterfield)


BIG RESPECT!:thumbsup:

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Well as we're resurrecting the Bed thing I'll repeat what I said before about this - I was always distinctly underwhelmed by it. Had only TWO good nights in there - 1st time Sanchez came and played it really hard and tribal for a change then 1st time Lil Louie Vega played, other than that I thought it lacked atmosphere, those are the only two nights I saw it properly rockin'. Too many posers, not enough clubbers.


However, I think my judgement was clouded as I'd been a Shindig regular before I moved here and that place is electric, unbeatable, so Bed was a let-down for me. Final nail in the coffin was the 2nd time Sanchez played - I turned up near midnight, paid £30 for the two of us to get in and found that Rog was playing his last tune - the cu nts didn't see it fit to advertise he was playing the early set from 10pm and would be f-ing off to GCSS at Lotherton Hall after his paltry 2hrs.


I know that doesn't sit well with some folk (Mr Growns??? :hihi: ) but I'm just telling it how I saw it. I was gutted to be honest as I'd always read great things and saw ace line-ups, then when I got here I thought it was a real disappointment.

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Well as we're resurrecting the Bed thing I'll repeat what I said before about this - I was always distinctly underwhelmed by it. Had only TWO good nights in there - 1st time Sanchez came and played it really hard and tribal for a change then 1st time Lil Louie Vega played, other than that I thought it lacked atmosphere, those are the only two nights I saw it properly rockin'. Too many posers, not enough clubbers.


However, I think my judgement was clouded as I'd been a Shindig regular before I moved here and that place is electric, unbeatable, so Bed was a let-down for me. Final nail in the coffin was the 2nd time Sanchez played - I turned up near midnight, paid £30 for the two of us to get in and found that Rog was playing his last tune - the cu nts didn't see it fit to advertise he was playing the early set from 10pm and would be f-ing off to GCSS at Lotherton Hall after his paltry 2hrs.


I know that doesn't sit well with some folk (Mr Growns??? :hihi: ) but I'm just telling it how I saw it. I was gutted to be honest as I'd always read great things and saw ace line-ups, then when I got here I thought it was a real disappointment.


Sanchez has always been a disappointment to me as well. The other year me and a mate paid I think it was about 20 quid each for an advertised "7 hour set."

7 Hours, yeah right more like 2. This is why I think that the age of the superclubs and big-name DJs is coming to an end, people are getting too ****ed off with paying big money just to see someone who happens to be a bit famous for whatever reason, and then to make it worse getting lied to on the flyers. Personally, Id much much rather go to a small place with a wicked atmosphere like shhh or (what was) the Fez than fork out shed loads on a mediocre night!

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These sort of threads make me sad and happy at the same time - I had the absolute times of my life in clubs like Bed, Gatecrasher, Rise and The Arches, and now it's all gone.

Sad cos I would like to do it all again, and happy cos I have the memories (It will always be with you, indeed).

Good to know there's others on the forum who were there.

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