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Good pubs for babies please


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I think people have misunderstood the tone of my post.


I was not attacking everyone that takes kids to pubs - and you are right, samc, if you want your kids to learn how to behave in adult situations then they need to experience them. ;)


What I was attacking (or meant to but didn't put very well?) was the attitude of the OP.

After two small not-overly-offensive comments, they totally over-reacted and were very agressive. She basically said that if anyone were to complain about her baby disturbing them, she would assault them! :shocked:


This in itself was what annoyed me. And as I said

"led me to picture that they are the sort of person that lets their little brats run riot and thinks 'sod the other 99% of people here, I couldn't give a to55 about anyone else but my little angels"

I have witnessed situations with people like this and can assure you that it is unpleasant for everyone in the whole place, whether they love children or not.


I think you can probably imagine the 'stereotype' I am alluding to here - and it is nothing like the majority of good parents that just want to go out for a nice drink as a family, whilst teaching their kids an acceptable way to behave in public.


Anyway, there is a big difference between taking 'kids' to a pub and babies. Babies do cry. Its not their fault and theres not a lot you can do about it sometimes. I still stand by my view that it would be selfish to subject a room full of people trying to have conversations to the sharp, loud, grating noise of a baby screaming.

But theres a massive difference between a mother whose baby starts to cry and they, for example, take them to a separate room to calm them down, and a woman who is sitting there letting her baby sceam the house down and responds to a complaint by chucking that person's pint/food in their face?


Surely you must agree that I have a point?

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You do have a point and I would never dream of taking my child to a pub that I consider to be child-free. Cos I like those pubs too even I don't get to see them as often!


I also hate feeling stressed in case my little one plays up which is why it is better all round to go out to a child friendly restaurant/pub.


I didn't read the OP's post as being aggressive - but that's not a challenge, I just miss the point too often !


Been nice 'discussing' this with you Katie23

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Why do some people still fail to realise that this is a PUBLIC forum, and you will get a range of opinions on any subject posted?

Post in public and expect those with an interest to post back.....even if you don't like it!

Just because people hold different ideas doesn't mean they are right, wrong or are trying to have a go at people who think differently.

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Cheers Samc.


To all: I didn't mean to offend responsible parents who are mindful of other people around them (although after re-reading my original post I can see how it might have seemed like I was tarring everyone with the same brush and am a children-hating-grump!)


And for all I know the OP is actually a reasonable person, but just made a rash stroppy comment that they wouldn't actually carry out in real life. Hopefully. ;)

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Oh absolutely... when people have a baby they then have to stay out of all eating places except McDonalds, until the child celebrates their 18th birthday. That way we can bring up a generation of children with no skills and manners when out in public places.:rolleyes:

Because public houses are the ONLY place that a child can learn how to behave themselves, right?:rolleyes: There are plenty of places you can take children out to without taking them to pubs. Like restaurants, parks, cafes...the list goes on. My parents never took me into pubs and to insinuate that unless someone has experienced an exact situation (in this case being in a pub) with supervision then they will have no idea how to behave is ludicrous and a fallacy of the highest order.

Leave the pubs for adults; there are plenty of other places where you may educate your children on how to behave in public.

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Carcass - re-read my posts. I mention restaurants and all eating places being a way to learn apt social skills. NOT just pubs. I am aware that you learn in other eating environments.


But the OP asked about pubs. Not restaurants. Not cafes. So I mentioned 2 I knew were kiddie friendly to help her out.


When pubs pretenting to be bistro/restaurants have high chairs & kiddie menus then families will go to them. The proper pubs don't offer this and families don't go. Room for all.


Dearie .... so up tight around here.

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where do you live?


The Moorlands at Owler bar is a family pub but it really needs an overhaul. It is a grotty venue.


The food i had from there was awful and overpriced and the drinks where very expensive aswell..

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Ok I asked for helpful information - I didnt invite anyone, and if you dont like kids then you wont be in these pubs - and if you are and you are rude to my friends and/or their children - you will go home wearing your lunch, dinner, beer, etc.


So stay off my thread and mind your own business!


thanks for the one helpful reply will pop by and have a quick look, its the people not the building that count, and since the men must have beer, I suppose that too.


Sorry kid, but by opening a thread anyone can reply, and with such a request for info you will get replies from anyone who sees fit, and therefore IMO you shouldn't take kids to pubs especially very small ones. So thats my reply, suck it up.


And you didn't ask for helpfull information you just said, and i quote 'Any Ideas?'


And as for you throwing food at me if you met me and i was rude to you...... yeah right!

Stay in with your kiddiewinks where you all belong.

And put us all out of your kids misery!

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