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Good pubs for babies please


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Some of the replies on this thread are a disgrace and totally go against the constructive, positive and welcoming tone this forum has always tended to have.


I would suggest the OP checks out the parenting section in the special groups section, where you'll find decent and positive advice about eating out and visiting pubs, and will be able to get advice about anything else you need.

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you will go home wearing your lunch, dinner, beer, etc.


What an excellent example this must set for your kids. Although as you seem keen to take a baby around public houses, I guess we can't expect much better.

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Dear OP, It never ceases to amaze me how child un-friendly this country is!


There's a pub up at Drakehouse that caters for children, can't remember what it's called. There's also another one further down towards Sainsbury's at Crystal Peaks - Gypsy Queen I think it is. There's also the 'fairway' at Birley Moor Golf Course, they do a lovely Carvery too.


Any of the foreign restaurants (I know you've not actually asked for restaurants) are always very welcoming if you have children with you - they actually have a culture that treats children with some sort of respect ;)

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Some of the replies on this thread are a disgrace and totally go against the constructive, positive and welcoming tone this forum has always tended to have.


I would suggest the OP checks out the parenting section in the special groups section, where you'll find decent and positive advice about eating out and visiting pubs, and will be able to get advice about anything else you need.


I think that's the wisest suggestion.


I've always taken my kids to pubs, restaurants, football grounds, and various other places which aren't 'kid friendly', but if I do, I respect the wishes of those around me.


What annoys the hell out of me is when people think adults shouldn't behave as adults because their offspring have been taken to an adult environment.


Never, ever, when I've taken my kids to a pub, etc., have I, or would I ask others to moderate their behaviour, unless it were so offensive as to bother adults.


It was my choice to take them there; it was the choice of a lot of others to be there anyway.


To address the OP's question, Chequers at Coal Aston is good, if somewhat, cheesy.

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What an excellent example this must set for your kids. Although as you seem keen to take a baby around public houses, I guess we can't expect much better.


Yet baby might grow to love Bateman's XXXB ........


From small acorns .......


<fx: leaves coat and runs>

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I would recommend 'The Moon' at Upperthorpe - kids welcome until 9pm, good beer and nice food. And its not a chain, identikit, patronising 'wacky warehouse' sort of place - its a good basic pub owned by a local brewery that happens to like families!


I have to say that in general I am not particularly fond of kids and don't really drink in pubs that are kid friendly - but thats kind of the thing, I choose to go elsewhere! I make an exception for the Moon as it is an excellent pub, but also because I can meet friends there whom I would see very rarely if they couldn't bring their kids out... surely there are enough pubs in Sheffield to cater for those with children *and* those who would rather keep well away?

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I am glad the pub I work in does not allow children under 14. I don't mind children, but if you are going to bring them to a pub, please make sure they behave and keep (reasonably) quiet (I don't expect them to be silent, obviously)

Although the pub I work in does not allow under 14s, at one point a large group of adults were bringing their children and leaving them in the other room, none of whom looked 14, some looked as young as 8/9. These children used to really annoy me, everytime you walked into the room they were in to collect glasses etc they would laugh at you and basically be annoying. They shouldn't have even been there. They don't come anymore, fortunatley

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I would recommend 'The Moon' at Upperthorpe - kids welcome until 9pm


One of the things that spoils this pub I'm afraid. Having to step over children playing on the floor and pushchairs in the way when I'm trying to get a pint on a Friday night is unacceptable.

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One of the things that spoils this pub I'm afraid. Having to step over children playing on the floor and pushchairs in the way when I'm trying to get a pint on a Friday night is unacceptable.


I can't disagree with that, but the thing is that more responsible parents don't let their kids do that. I never have with my three, but then again, they were/are never just left to their own devices, like so many are now.

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And i think you've been even more rude and extremely selfish i qould be suprised if anyone wanted to go out and have a drink with you!! I bet your the bar persons worst nightmare!!


Actually speaking as somebody who spent a fair few years working as a waiter/bar person... kids are the worst nightmare.

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