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Good pubs for babies please


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I am fasincated by the number of replies to a very simple request for information. I wont read them as I dont have time.


So don't mention them. I agree some were less than graceful to say the least, but if you can't be bothered to read them, don't mention them.


but just to put you all straight, I dont assault people, my children and my friend's children have perfect manners (yes really) and are made to observe social etiquette properly for the situation they are in.


Good. Just like mine are.


They dont but in on other peoples threads on the internet with inane and anti social comments either.


This is not your thread but one which you started, for the potential benefit of some 7 billion people on the planet, and got some Yorkshire humour back. Get off your high horse.


We had a lovely evening with children from 1 to 21 years old, in a pub called the meadow farm in ecclesfield, which I can strongly recommend.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, and as a father myself, if I'm in the area (which could be likely) with my offspring, I'll try it.


For those of you who appear to need desperately to hide from your partners and children - buy a shed either individually or together, that by tradition works very well and has never been challenged as far as I am aware - and you can drink beer and smoke as much as you like in them.


They dont but in on other peoples threads on the internet with inane and anti social comments either.


Physician, heal thyself.


As for the rest of you, childrens manners are not specifically relevant to visiting pubs, although I must agree vile kids spoil any outing in any venue (but then so do vile adults, especially drunk, loud, stupid, aggressive, smelly, noisy etc ones). That is for their parents to sort out and for people affected to politely but firmly make their feelings plain, both to the parents in question and the management of the venue in question.


Actually, I would question this. Children's manners when in an adult environment, where adults have gone to enjoy adult company are incredibly relevant. Moreover, children when taken to pubs have no choice about where they're going, but paying adults do. Of course, you're right about obnoxious adults too, but they at least have paid, and can be lobbed away pretty quickly. It's not so easy with disruptive families.


As for the assertion that other adults should make their 'feelings politely but firmly', it's not always so easy when the Gumbys and the Dingles have turned up for a pre-fight Stella-fest, whilst completely ignoring the rest of their Neanderthal tribe.


Which, without doubt, was precisely what you wanted to ignore, and rightly so.


Not sure that its really appropriate to have a go at me in response to a very innocent request.


So don't rise to it.


I dont suffer fools gladly, nor bad manners and I would definitely have something to say to anyone complaining about my quiet and very nice group spending a quiet and very nice evening in a completely appropriate setting.


I'd be of the same opinion, and I'm sure nobody did complain. It doesn't detract from the fact that an awful lot of parents don't ensure that other patrons' enjoyment of a beer after a hard day isn't spoilt. I'm, again, glad that you ensure everyone enjoys it.


I have to say, I have been annoyed and occasionally puked on by other people's kids in public places, however they dont shout like fishmongers and fight in the street late at night, and they dont cost the nhs for liver, lung and other complaints associated with over zealous drinking and clubbing. They aren't some kind of evil nemesis and if a pub caters for kids, whats making you go there if you dont like them? Just mind your own business and let us mind ours.


Daily Heil, anyone?

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