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Yorkshire coldstores

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Phew darn these specks i mis read the title i was begining to think whats the dif between Yorkshire coldsores &London coldsores .

I worked at Pond Street and Roman Ridge Road when it was first built. I worked in the engine room? with Harry Lee and Vic Hollins was chief engineer. That was back in 1966 so as I was the baby of the `family' I doubt that anyone I worked eith would still be around. Mr Collins was the general manager and Jum Glenn was his deputy. Lots more I remember if anyones interested??

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I worked at Pond Street and Roman Ridge Road when it was first built. I worked in the engine room? with Harry Lee and Vic Hollins was chief engineer. That was back in 1966 so as I was the baby of the `family' I doubt that anyone I worked eith would still be around. Mr Collins was the general manager and Jum Glenn was his deputy. Lots more I remember if anyones interested??

I believe my uncle George Billam worked there.

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