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Woodside lane in the 50s


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Hello Texas, the lady who lived in the caretakers cottage at the gates of Mission Hall was Mrs. Linder, her son lived with her he had a Kyphosis (hump back) he was called Peter Brown, he used to make jewellery,earings and necklaces he always made me a necklace at Whitsuntide to match whatever new closthes I was going to have!! My gram lived opposite the jenel that led to Haywood road where I was born next to the Gouldens and Dennis Wade lived opposite, I usd to go out with a lad called George Fielding on Fowler Street, still see his older brother and sister,Shirley and Alan regularly and email his younger brother Trevor in Australia, I'm Muriel Ellin that was, went to Woodside and Burngreave.


Hi Muriel My Mother went to Woodside school Joan Corbridge we lived on Fowler Street till 1961.

We also lived at 5 Grove Street

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I knew the name Brown was in there somewhere pitsmoorlass. I vaguely remember a elderly gent' living there also, presumably Mr Linder or Mr Brown. I know the area because Mrs Martin was my mom but I lived with my grandparents over on Fox St until just after the blitz, then I moved with them to Cheshire until about 1943 then moved back to Sheffield. It's possible I'm a bit older than you. Do you remember Brammer's pigs? They had the ground from Woodside Lane down to the Wade's backyard. We used to climb on the wall and scare ourselves to death. Well I did. Does anyone remember the Mission Hall being used for storing furniture? All this would be in the late 40's.

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Hello Texas, are you Peter Martin? like you although I was born on Haywood Road I was always at my grandma's Mrs.Taylor opposite the jenel and just above chapmans/Stanleys, my Uncle Jack Taylor and his wife lived next door to Martin's. George Fielding who was my boyfriend used to deliver papers for Mrs.Martin. I also remember the white bull terrier. Yes I remember Brammers pigs I didn't like it when the big van came to take them to the abatoir. Do you remember Mrs.Firth she kept geese and hens down their back yard we always had one for Christmas and I was rubbed on my chest with goose grease till Easter to keep the colds away!!! now you pay a fortune for it in a small jar for your roasties, trouble is they think it's only just been invented. You would perhaps remember Gordon and Ronnie Ward, and sister Kathleen. Up my grams yard lived the Yates family and Hagues. What I do remember about the Mission Hall was when the Americans came and took over Chapmans that's when it became Stanley Works and they had a big 'do' in the hall you could get onto a kind of landing from our yard on Haywood Road and there was all kind of goodies we helped ourselves to!! Our yard also looked over onto Mrs.Oldhams and sometimes we would climb down the wall and take and short cut to Birley Street, but woe betide you if she caught you.

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I often think about the house where the Oldhams lived pitsmoorlass. When you looked at it from,say,the top of Birley St, it faced onto quite a bit of ground which must've been a nice garden originally. It must've been there before the Woodside Lane, Birley St, and Haywood Rd houses were built. The verandah you speak about overlooked it. I remember climbing onto the Mission Hall roof one time, it'd been raining and I skidded down on that side. I honestly thought I'd had it. Old man Oldham was a piece of work if you had to fetch a ball from out of his ground, bawling and shouting. I remember he used to have a stick and he'd wave it about. I can remember your Gran, Mrs Taylor, she used to sit on a chair just inside her door and always give a wave.

Edited by Texas
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Hello PaulTansley nice to hear from you, I don't remember your mum, how old is or was she I am just 70. Did you live near Karl Drabble and the Kelseys and Sandra Healds?. I used to go to Bladens for my spice with my coupons!! and fish and chips from Dennis's.


She would have been 78 now passed in 2003...I personally can't remember the people you mentioned as I'm just 53 however a lot of the people who lived in Fowler Street moved into the new Woodside estate in the early 60s

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  • 1 month later...

Very intersting read, my dad would love to read this thread he's one of the Turtons from Woodside Lane.

He often talks about his youth around that area.

I spent the first 5 or 6 years on Hicks Street before slum clearance took us to Norwood.

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  • 1 month later...

1960, just before clearance, Woodside lane top end. last block with common rear courtyard comprised of:

168 - Ledwoods had a son John, and looked after the fenced garden plot. He was special constable?

170 - The Hanby Sisters and companion now all departed. GBTS's

Arched narrow passage access to woodside lane.

172 - ?

174 - ?

176 - Hagues with their son Peter. Had something to do with Owls.

178 - Mitchells with three sons

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