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Woodside lane in the 50s


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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

"the names Dempsey and Oliver"


Have checked with Mum, who knows all. Apparently the Olivers lived across the road from us and I used to go in their house to watch their telly. We didn't have one then. Another name she mentioned to me was the Townsend family.

Should we rename this thread "A trip down (Woodside) memory Lane.

Yes your mum is right the olivers did live accross the road somewhere near the woodman pub I know they went to live at firth park behind the old grammer school the brothers were Steven and Peter and I think they had a sister (later on though)

I am very sure I know who you are but can't get the name i wlill speak with my brother as he has a better memory and went to school with either you or your brother

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Wow your memory's good cos we were moved in about 58 / 59.

BTW Mum says do you remember "Deaf and Dumb" Annie ? Apologies to the PC brigade but that's how she was known back then. She was speech and hearing impaired yet could "gossip" with the rest for ages. Her husband was also speech / hearing impaired, yet their daughter had no problems.

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Right you two see if you can make anything of this info.


We lived in Court 4 No5.

Do you remember...Cuffy hill fruit shop,Joe Stenton lived next door.

Names I have here are:Freddy and Joe Longford.

Sam Needham`Frank Hobson, Austin Neil, George Ibertson, Fred Henderson, Eric Elms, Ronald Oxley, Brothers Ralf and Tom Roberts.


Tindalls had the milk and coal yard and Morrells had the shop at the end of our yard, a fruit shop.


Do you remember the Ping Family.

Frank Lindsey had The Guards rest pubat the bottom of Marshall Street where Grove Street was.


Sandersons the grocer shop and Eadeths had the meat shop.




Pitsmoor lad you did'nt respond to this, just wonderering if you missed it.

Does it shed any light.

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

Cycleracer, I can't remember anything or anyone that far down. It must have been lower down than the school and that was a different world. I only went through there when I was being taken to my Gran's who lived at Shalesmoor.

Different world ? in which way.

I think it was close to the tunnel at the wheatsheaf pub.

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

Wow your memory's good cos we were moved in about 58 / 59.

BTW Mum says do you remember "Deaf and Dumb" Annie ? Apologies to the PC brigade but that's how she was known back then. She was speech and hearing impaired yet could "gossip" with the rest for ages. Her husband was also speech / hearing impaired, yet their daughter had no problems.


Yep I do rememberthe speach / hearing impared family and the daughter without the problem but just don´t remember the names I think they lived on the front of the lane itself I am sure they didn´t live in the court although there was a guy who had a problem with one leg shorter then the other he had one of tose high soled shoes I am sure he lived in court 25 right at the top end in the house facing down

If you look on the site http://www.picturesheffield.com/cgi-bin/hpac.pl?_cgifunction=form&_layout=picturesheffield&keyval=sheff.id=7492 I am convinced the woman pushing the pram is my mother and the lad walking is my older brother maybe BTW mum may help


The memory is good on long term but can never remember what happened yesterday ( all that Sangria)

by the way we left in 59 as well but went back to pitsmoor , over verdon steet way in 64 when they built the new massonettes

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Originally posted by GJ2004

If you were that far down cycleracer you must remember the old scrap cars being down there

Trouble is I was'nt born until 59 so I do not remember any of it.

The info I have got came from my uncle who is the only living relative from that time who filled me in.

I was hoping you and Pitsmoor lad come give me more info on it.

I will keep looking at this thread with interest.

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Trouble is I was'nt born until 59 so I do not remember any of it.

The info I have got came from my uncle who is the only living relative from that time who filled me in.

I was hoping you and Pitsmoor lad come give me more info on it.

I will keep looking at this thread with interest.


Sorry cycleracer I didn´t realize I thought you were one of us old codgers

Still you do have a lot of info and info and that is good but I thought you new about other areas in pitsmoor if so let us know I am very interested in everything about the area am thinking of puting up a thread o working mens clubs in the area what do you think ? or has it been done

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

Wow your memory's good cos we were moved in about 58 / 59.

BTW Mum says do you remember "Deaf and Dumb" Annie ? Apologies to the PC brigade but that's how she was known back then. She was speech and hearing impaired yet could "gossip" with the rest for ages. Her husband was also speech / hearing impaired, yet their daughter had no problems.


pitsmoor lad I have just spoken with my big bro ( the fountain of knowledge and memory of pitsmoor) he says the name I am looking for in court 27 is Wayne and stephen Biggin (excuse spelling ) he also tells me there was an orchard behind the yard also he remembers the name of Dexter as he recalls a Dexter being an electrician : The name of the people in court 25 I was thinking of ie the guy with short leg My brov says it was an artificial leg and the name was Mr Story also the man in the top house (he says ) was Mr Mallinson can your mum remember those

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