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Woodside lane in the 50s


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I can neither confirm nor deny your brother's name recollections.

However your mention of Working men's Clubs is interesting. The general topic has been raised before and both Cycleracer and myself went in the Loco and Pitsmoor WMC. Drove past the Pitsmoor yesterday and it's boarded up. Looks like its ready for demolishing. The Loco was flattened some time ago.

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

I can neither confirm nor deny your brother's name recollections.

However your mention of Working men's Clubs is interesting. The general topic has been raised before and both Cycleracer and myself went in the Loco and Pitsmoor WMC. Drove past the Pitsmoor yesterday and it's boarded up. Looks like its ready for demolishing. The Loco was flattened some time ago.

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I knew the Pitsmoor wmc was boarded up , It was like that the last time I was in uk last year but i di´dn´t know the Loco was finished I thought that was still going. The pitsmoor was my club i knew many people there and my family was involved with the place for many years I still have some pics of past commitee members somewhere, some of them from it´s origins in marshall street although I don´t go back that far and don´t even know where marshall street is or was i just know thats where it started

I used to go in the Limes club on barnsley Rd but i know that was turned into some sort of nursing home a long while ago

How did the thread go about clubs before ? would it be worth starting again do you think ?

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Originally posted by GJ2004

I knew the Pitsmoor wmc was boarded up , It was like that the last time I was in uk last year but i di´dn´t know the Loco was finished I thought that was still going. The pitsmoor was my club i knew many people there and my family was involved with the place for many years I still have some pics of past commitee members somewhere, some of them from it´s origins in marshall street although I don´t go back that far and don´t even know where marshall street is or was i just know thats where it started

I used to go in the Limes club on barnsley Rd but i know that was turned into some sort of nursing home a long while ago

How did the thread go about clubs before ? would it be worth starting again do you think ?

Its been a while about the clubs in Pitsmoor but many more members have joined up so i think it may warrant a new one.

Love to see some pics of the old clubs.

You say you use to be involved with the Pitsmoor, in which way and what era.

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I remember that the Pitsmoor Club wouldn't allow females in on their own. So if there was a good band on,(O'Haras Playboys, Bitter Suite, etc) there used to be a queue of girls at the door asking to be taken in. Also they couldn't get served at the bar so they had to get a fella to get their drinks as well. Sometimes the girl became your date for the night, more often she didn't.

As a side issue, John O'Hara's still doing the clubs, saw a poster advertising him at the La Plata the other day.

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Yes thats right, females only managed to get served in the 70s.

Could you imagine women putting up with that these days.

John O Hara does still play the circuit but on a very minor scale to what he had.

I have seen him in the local pub on numerous occations and is a shadow of his former self.

He is more a karioke ( never can spell that) singer now.

He still has a following, mainly the old timers from the clubs, in my case Pitsmoor club and knows everyone by name.

I hear his demise was his own doing being a very hard guy to work with and treat his musicians harshly.

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Its been a while about the clubs in Pitsmoor but many more members have joined up so i think it may warrant a new one.

Love to see some pics of the old clubs.

You say you use to be involved with the Pitsmoor, in which way and what era.


Good idea to revive the thread I think

In my case cycleracer it would be easier to say what didn´t I have to do with pitsmoor wmc as far as I can remember back someone in my family had connections my era was from 1967 to early 80s my father had the membership no 1 my brother had no 53 i had no 55 I have pics some where of early people my fathers brother Albert, Johny Yellot, Jackie Malinson who as far as i am aware is still around his father was a well known pitsmoor commitee man the Hammmond family were also long term stalwarts as with Gillot family I know it may not be pc to publish name s on web sites but all these people as far as I am aware were well respected and did a lot of good work in keeping wmc's alive and I feel deserve a mention but not only these they are just a few that come to mind I am sure there are many others who deserve a mention

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

I remember that the Pitsmoor Club wouldn't allow females in on their own. So if there was a good band on,(O'Haras Playboys, Bitter Suite, etc) there used to be a queue of girls at the door asking to be taken in. Also they couldn't get served at the bar so they had to get a fella to get their drinks as well. Sometimes the girl became your date for the night, more often she didn't.

As a side issue, John O'Hara's still doing the clubs, saw a poster advertising him at the La Plata the other day.


What about Johny Kalender do you remember him he is now in benidorm ( or was a couple of years ago) a club called east coast bar on the square mile

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