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Were they ever any gallows in Sheffield?


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I'm not sure, I remember a history lesson from school about it. The reason they used wybourn was because you could see it from most of the surrounding area and it was a warning to other people.

Wybourn took its name from tyburn in london and the name changed over the course of time. the same thing happened in york. their tyburn was on York race course.

Sheffield also had a gibbet which was placed on attercliffe common which where the body was left to hang.

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Originally posted by carcrash

I'm not sure, I remember a history lesson from school about it. The reason they used wybourn was because you could see it from most of the surrounding area and it was a warning to other people.

Wybourn took its name from tyburn in london and the name changed over the course of time. the same thing happened in york. their tyburn was on York race course.

Sheffield also had a gibbet which was placed on attercliffe common which where the body was left to hang.


suppose thats where the noose n gibbet boozer got its name.......

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Originally posted by Timbuck

There must have been one at "Broughton Lane" in attercliffe co,s they named it after the Highwayman "Broughton" who was hung there..so I've heard.


As far as I know, there wasn't actually a gibbett there at Attercliffe/ Garbrook, although I could be wrong...


I always believed that , from at least the 1700's, that criminal executions mostly took place at York, or Tyburn /Newgate prison..


(at least until jeremy bentham's prison reforms, when the prison accommodation increased)


I thought that the pub that is now called the "Noose and Gibbet"was called the Enfield, previously... and that the Noose was only named so, in recent years, because of wanting to "cash-in" of the notoriety of the highwayman, Broughton, after whom I believe Broughton Lane was named...



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Originally posted by Timbuck

There must have been one at "Broughton Lane" in attercliffe co,s they named it after the Highwayman "Broughton" who was hung there..so I've heard.

spence broughton was found guilty of robbing the mail he was executed in york and returned to the gibbet at the scene of his crime,attercliffe common,which in those days was a lonely strech of road on the way to rotherham,his body was coated in pitch to make it last longer,the gibbet was a steel cage,his wife stayed in lodgings for many years till his body finally fell to pieces,the gibbet post was taken by a local landowner and its reputed to have been built into his house as a support beam.
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